Chelsea v City post match thread

Re: Shoddy tactics

mcfc-mark said:
markbmcfc said:
mcfc-mark said:
I'd give Johnson a try out on the left, can't do much harm to try really. Like a proper 4-4-2. Mind you I'm only thinking to try this when our best fullbacks are injured/suspended (or rotated) Then the system should be adjusted to utilise their talents. IMO of course

we need a winger in jan... and no matter what keep hold of Johnson

So who plays on the right!?

Haha you've got me there...but this is why we need another winger in our squad, as a matter of fact we should already have one. For 90% of games we'll be fine playing our desired system but like I said before if it's not working there needs to be a plan B

Wasn't Johnson on the left at Sunderland? He has a cracking left foot which he utilises well when cutting back inside from the right wing but i prefer my winger to get down the line and beat the full back before crossing. Have Micah bombing down the other wing now and again to keep the opposition on their toes.
Penalty awarded

Ballotelli scores 2-0

We go on to win comfortably

We were cheated, match summary
the ability to adjust to tactical adjustments worries me though, mancini took way too long to change things
Blue Elmo said:
The commentary is ALWAYS anti City. Tyler is the culprit of getting extremely giddy when the opposition score. If you look back to skys coverage of the game against Napoli away, listen to his reaction to Cavani's second and comapre it to Balotelli's equaliser. Look at last night, Balotelli scores a quality early goal and he says nothing, when Chelsea score he creams himself. Wilkins was so bias he had to apologise on national tv. If he had to do that it must have been bad, and it was. Constant reference to the Chelsea players by their first name and calling them 'the boys' and saying how the game was made for a Lampard winner. Sky are bent fookers, and the fact that I am more angry about the commentary than the defeat says a lot

I had to watch the last 10 minutes on mute or I would of personally assassinated ray wilkins.

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