Chelsea v City post match thread

hirop said:
Collected thoughts on the match.

When chelsea moved their defensive line and midfielders 20 yards deeper after 30 mins it changed the game. City needed width at point, and it didn't come. Richards is such an important player now for that very reason - he IS the city right flank. Wing play should have been the tactic from that point onward. Width is so important to city, allowing city to play narrow in midfield, rotating the front 4 or 5(with nasri playing) at will, out numbering the 4-4-2\4-3-3 stodge most teams deploy.
Clichy obviously had a bad evening, but he is still the best lb at the club and like anyone, should be supported back to form.
I didn't think the merieles tackle was a red, he made contact but didn't push through his leg. Clichy's was a second booking all day long, so had to go.
The real debate is the silva penalty, clear as day, right in front of the ref, thats what you would call dodgy. Its a game changer as well. Make of that what you want.
On the subs, I don't ever believe in taking Silva off, he is too important in keeping the ball (which is the one time chelsea can't score), so if shoring it up - don't take the wee man off, he is untouchable in my mind. I think something similar happened at fulham, tried to shore it up, took off silva, shipped an late equaliser. Being down to 10 men, something had to give in the forward area, I accept that so perhaps the gaffer thought his hand was forced.

Great post - balanced insight. I did think Silva was running out of legs, as was Yaya. We could perhaps have swapped Silva for Nasri, but under pressure difficult decisions had to be made.

A minor setback that could give us the perspective we need to get through this tough spell. People should remember that we lost to a Chelsea side, who were in form,on the up and at home, on top of which we didnt have richards available, or the ref on our side. Rags lost to Palace at home :)
i thought we played well and and stages in the first half were taking the piss out of chelsea.

unlucky tonight due to one bit of sloppy defending and dodgey ref decisions cost us tonight.

well played boys, feeling confident.
Just had a rag in work laughing at me seriously he was in tears he was laughing that hard. I stood next to him grinning and just replied with at least we proved u don't always get beat 6-1 with 10 men he just totally shut the fuck up I walked off giggling to myself. I got about 100 yards away when he shouted "Hey blue **** u want a bet u won't win the league?" I replied ok what u wanna bet he said I'll give u 2/1 do I offered £100 he accepted :) come on blues :)
I've never seen a team fancied for the title play so defensively at home as Chelsea did last night, can't wait to see how they'll play at our place, the only way they could have played any deeper last night was if they all sat on top of the crossbar swinging their legs around
casualdeyna said:
I've never seen a team fancied for the title play so defensively at home as Chelsea did last night, can't wait to see how they'll play at our place, the only way they could have played any deeper last night was if they all sat on top of the crossbar swinging their legs around
Re: Chelase v City post match thread

lee-mcfc said:
clichy,yaya and lescott were very poor

awful defending yet again

20mins at start thatst the only time we played like a team then started with long balls?!....but yeah should of had a penalty, but other than that chelsea wanted it more.

Just couldn't figure out why that happened and why it continued when it was clear it wasn't working????
Re: Chelase v City post match thread

kenkladze said:
lee-mcfc said:
clichy,yaya and lescott were very poor

awful defending yet again

20mins at start thatst the only time we played like a team then started with long balls?!....but yeah should of had a penalty, but other than that chelsea wanted it more.

Just couldn't figure out why that happened and why it continued when it was clear it wasn't working????
after we scored so early the players thought we had already won it....(very dumb thinking)
in them 20-30mins we should of taken advantage and pressed for a second goal (clear penalty on silva) but still should of went looking for another goal and it bit us right back on the arse.

so well done chelsea, but am sure we will win vs Van Persie FC
Rags, Gunners, and others are celebrating this result like their own win on sites like the Fail and Sun! Brilliant how hated we are that Rags have dropped to the level of cheering for their hated rivals Dippers, Arsenal, and Chelsea against us.
The commentary is ALWAYS anti City. Tyler is the culprit of getting extremely giddy when the opposition score. If you look back to skys coverage of the game against Napoli away, listen to his reaction to Cavani's second and comapre it to Balotelli's equaliser. Look at last night, Balotelli scores a quality early goal and he says nothing, when Chelsea score he creams himself. Wilkins was so bias he had to apologise on national tv. If he had to do that it must have been bad, and it was. Constant reference to the Chelsea players by their first name and calling them 'the boys' and saying how the game was made for a Lampard winner. Sky are bent fookers, and the fact that I am more angry about the commentary than the defeat says a lot

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