
pee dubya

Well-Known Member
21 Sep 2005
I've hardly ever played chess, but i was bored just there and had a few goes against the computer. I'm shite at it, apparently the aim is to plan your moves ahead, but i just...can't. Is the ability to think several moves ahead a skill you can learn or is a kind of midset you're stuck with? Through blind luck i managed to win at the 4th attempt on the beginner setting, but everything i do tend to reactionary or at the very best i can think ahead to the next move. Is it the kind of thing that i'd get better at with practice or am i always destined to be shit at it?

I'm assuming there's some people here who like it and play regularly, perhaps i just don't have the patience.

Also generally in life, i tend to do things as they come, rather than plan ahead in detail, do those people who are good at chess tend to have everything organised and planned out in their life as well?
My so called 'big fame' is being a witness at Nigel Shorts wedding. Yea wow!

However it did mean I got a bit of insight on the thinking. I could never think more than 3 moves, critically, ahead. He thought every move out before it happened. I do mean every move. But he dis regarded most of the options in favour of the best outcome to whom ever he was playing.
Absolutely brilliant game. Genius game.

The trick is to play someone on the same level as you. So if you're a beginner, play a beginner after you have learnt how to play it off a good player. You then won't be hammered and you can learn moves, tactics, offense and attack etc together, and make the same mistakes etc without a pro kicking your arse.

Once you get the hang of it, it truely is an immense game and will keep you hooked for hours.

It's always better to sit and play it with someone in real life, not on a computer. You can read each other reactions, watch eye movement and feel the atmosphere, chat and discuss things.

To find a female who can play chess, for me is extremely sexy and satisfying haha.
Adam, whats the four move Checkmate ? Used to be brill at it uhuhuh years ago. No played for way to long. Me auld fella used to be well pissed off when I beat him.

Pawn before King up two then Bish to a certain point and Queen to opposite diagonal leading to checkmate. Works only with a relative novice though (they copy your first pawn move normally)-bloody funny IMO
tueartsboots said:
Adam, whats the four move Checkmate ? Used to be brill at it uhuhuh years ago. No played for way to long. Me auld fella used to be well pissed off when I beat him.

Pawn before King up two then Bish to a certain point and Queen to opposite diagonal leading to checkmate. Works only with a relative novice though (they copy your first pawn move normally)-bloody funny IMO

Haha, funny how you should say that. This is one move I refuse to know and refuse to use. Just one of those silly things in life that you just don't want to be part of.

I've had it done to me loads of times. Highly annoying, but I just turn a blind eye everytime. How I see it is, if you do that, is that all you've got?

Show me some more constructive moves, don't just go straight in there. Build it, plan ahead, show your defence and attack and show me how you can cope when moves go wrong, be knocked back, come back with something else, take a risk. See patterns in your movement, attack and defence, predict the oppositions next move.

Blimey, I really need to play more chess again. I used to love it years ago. I played it again for a brief spell 6 months ago with a rag girl and we ended up shagging to death afterwards, but then forgot to carry on with more games hahaha.
pee dubya said:
I've hardly ever played chess, but i was bored just there and had a few goes against the computer. I'm shite at it, apparently the aim is to plan your moves ahead, but i just...can't. Is the ability to think several moves ahead a skill you can learn or is a kind of midset you're stuck with? Through blind luck i managed to win at the 4th attempt on the beginner setting, but everything i do tend to reactionary or at the very best i can think ahead to the next move. Is it the kind of thing that i'd get better at with practice or am i always destined to be shit at it?

I'm assuming there's some people here who like it and play regularly, perhaps i just don't have the patience.

Also generally in life, i tend to do things as they come, rather than plan ahead in detail, do those people who are good at chess tend to have everything organised and planned out in their life as well?

boring game would rather play scrabble or tiddlywinks
tueartsboots said:
Adam, whats the four move Checkmate ? Used to be brill at it uhuhuh years ago. No played for way to long. Me auld fella used to be well pissed off when I beat him.

Pawn before King up two then Bish to a certain point and Queen to opposite diagonal leading to checkmate. Works only with a relative novice though (they copy your first pawn move normally)-bloody funny IMO

It was called fools mate when I was a kid and the defence is kings knight to f6 any time before the kill.

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