choose three former City players...

r.soleofsalford said:
obviously, irwell never saw colin play.
The reason I think it is just the sheer amount that sport science has moved on since then. At his prime the 100m world record was just breaking the 10 second barrier. It's under 9.6 now. The 10k record, the distance the average footballer runs during a match, has dropped from about 27:40 in Bell's day to under 26:20 today. Sure, Bell was quite an athlete in his day, but modern day footballers are just as close to peak physical fitness in my opinion, and today's peak is way above the peak back then.
Irwell said:
r.soleofsalford said:
obviously, irwell never saw colin play.
The reason I think it is just the sheer amount that sport science has moved on since then. At his prime the 100m world record was just breaking the 10 second barrier. The 10k record, the distance the average footballer runs during a match, has dropped from about 27:40 in Bell's day to under 26:20 today. Sure, Bell was quite an athlete in his day, but modern day footballers are just as close to peak physical fitness in my opinion, and today's peak is way above the peak back then.

Bell was compaired to Olympic Runners back in the day, infact City were trained by one. My point is that Bell with today's sports science applied would be better than any other Premiership player, he truely (And I say this in the nicest possible way) was a bit of a freak, he was 30 years ahead of his time. Also bare in mind Bell played on heavy, sapping ptiches. He'd be incredible on the bowling greens of today.
r.soleofsalford said:
Irwell said:
Fair enough if people think they could cope with it. My opinion is that they wouldn't do. It's what the thread is all about! :)

colin bell was nicknamed nijinsky after the racehorse, not the ballet dancer.

the pitches today are like bowling greens, the pitches they played on were mud heaps which sapped the strength from legs. also players got no protection from the ref`s, some of the girls today wouldnt of been able to play then. men were men, they didnt roll around on the floor because a boot lace had snapped
Don't get me wrong btw, I'd have loved to see the holy trinity get a run out next season. You have to admit it would be a risk though.
Blue Lloyd said:
Irwell said:
r.soleofsalford said:
obviously, irwell never saw colin play.
The reason I think it is just the sheer amount that sport science has moved on since then. At his prime the 100m world record was just breaking the 10 second barrier. The 10k record, the distance the average footballer runs during a match, has dropped from about 27:40 in Bell's day to under 26:20 today. Sure, Bell was quite an athlete in his day, but modern day footballers are just as close to peak physical fitness in my opinion, and today's peak is way above the peak back then.

Bell was compaired to Olympic Runners back in the day, infact City were trained by one. My point is that Bell with today's sports science applied would be better than any other Premiership player, he truely (And I say this in the nicest possible way) was a bit of a freak, he was 30 years ahead of his time. Also bare in mind Bell played on heavy, sapping ptiches. He'd be incredible on the bowling greens of today.

i just wrote that myself
Benarbia in the team we have would be something else the way he could pull the strings.

Hincliffe ? Never saw him play but from videos and what people have told me about his set piece ability as well as being solid at the back would do a good job over Kolarov.

Paul Lake, again I never saw him play but from what I've seen on video and heard about him he would of excelled in this squad perhaps playing alongside Kompany instead of in midfield.
r.soleofsalford said:
Blue Lloyd said:
Irwell said:
The reason I think it is just the sheer amount that sport science has moved on since then. At his prime the 100m world record was just breaking the 10 second barrier. The 10k record, the distance the average footballer runs during a match, has dropped from about 27:40 in Bell's day to under 26:20 today. Sure, Bell was quite an athlete in his day, but modern day footballers are just as close to peak physical fitness in my opinion, and today's peak is way above the peak back then.

Bell was compaired to Olympic Runners back in the day, infact City were trained by one. My point is that Bell with today's sports science applied would be better than any other Premiership player, he truely (And I say this in the nicest possible way) was a bit of a freak, he was 30 years ahead of his time. Also bare in mind Bell played on heavy, sapping ptiches. He'd be incredible on the bowling greens of today.

i just wrote that myself

I noticed ;)

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