Cigs Booze Sugar

They are now talking about a new 'pudding tax' on desserts FFS!
Is this really the best our politicians can do - just keep taxing the shit out of the general public?

Sugar tax
Plastic bag tax
Potential plastic bottle tax
Potential pudding tax
All on top of the excruciating number of punitive taxes we have in place already.
Where does this tax money go? It never gets spent on the things it was allegedly
put in place to help.
People don't need more taxes they need education and assistance.
Why oh why plastic bags have not been completely banned in supermarkets and replaced
with 100% paper bags (fully biodegradable) is a mystery.
They are now talking about a new 'pudding tax' on desserts FFS!
Is this really the best our politicians can do - just keep taxing the shit out of the general public?

Sugar tax
Plastic bag tax
Potential plastic bottle tax
Potential pudding tax
All on top of the excruciating number of punitive taxes we have in place already.
Where does this tax money go? It never gets spent on the things it was allegedly
put in place to help.
People don't need more taxes they need education and assistance.
Why oh why plastic bags have not been completely banned in supermarkets and replaced
with 100% paper bags (fully biodegradable) is a mystery.
Paper bags use more energy and raw materials to produce than plastic bags.
I just saw a report that said British kids eat the equivalent of 14 sugar lumps a day, which will lead to obesity and rotten teeth. Costing the NHS shit loads of money down the track with heart disease, diabetes and cancer treatments.

Parents wont change what they give their seemingly so the Gov will convince them to act by making sugary things more expensive.
People don't need more taxes they need education and assistance.

I'm not necessarily in favour of increasing taxation, but people don't need to be "educated and assisted" any more than they already are to understand that high sugar foods are bad for them. It's plainly obvious to anyone, even the hardest of thinking can already understand that eating stuff like Mars bars and litres of Fanta to excess will contribute to weight gain and associated ill health.

The NHS is creaking badly, and overweight / obese sugar addicts, smokers and alcoholics clearly cost the NHS massive amounts of resource and time, so I have sympathy with a policy that looks to address that somehow; I'm not convinced that taxing the products more is necessarily the perfect answer, but I don't believe that "educating and assisting" is having any effect whatsoever.
I just saw a report that said British kids eat the equivalent of 14 sugar lumps a day, which will lead to obesity and rotten teeth. Costing the NHS shit loads of money down the track with heart disease, diabetes and cancer treatments.

Parents wont change what they give their seemingly so the Gov will convince them to act by making sugary things more expensive.

The "it costs the NHS" line is highly questionable actually. All a poor lifestyle does is tend to advance the kinds of treatments that people will need at some point in their lives anyway - the only way the maths really would stack up is if people who lived perfectly never had to have treatment on the NHS, and of course they do - everyone does, especially towards the end of life. People who live fast and die young are actually national benefactors. They pay a shit load in sin taxes, then croak before we have to pay them pensions. We should be encouraging it really...

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