City’s Goldbridge

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I hate fans who call lower league clubs shite. It wasn't that long ago we were down there ourselves and our history is littered with being on the wrong end of giant killings by so called shite clubs. Show some respect supporting a football club isn't all about being in the premier league and winning trophies, again we should know.
I feel like a lot of the people slating him are watching a clip of him for the very first time because he’s actually sound. Yeah, he shouldn’t have called them shit in the way he did, it was disrespectful, but that is definitely out of character for him. The rest was him genuinely not knowing where Peterborough is in the country and whilst most DO know, that isn’t something to call him out on. He filled the time whilst he searched for where they are with attempted humour/banter, but it was nothing more than that. It’s the bit at the end that I get people not liking. But those using a 10 second clip to paint this guy as the antithesis of a City fan are bang out of order too, as he’s a top lad and I’ve never seen him say anything like this before to cause such outrage.

Should he have called them shit? No, the way he said it was disrespectful. Was it out of character? Yes, absolutely. Is everybody over-reacting to a 10-second slip up? Yes.
I thought he didn't know where they were in the league, not geographically. Have to admit I did the same, as thought they were League 1.
Based purely on that clip I've seen the following assumptions made about this person:

- He only started supporting us after we got taken over
- He used to support Chelsea
- He used to support United
- He'll be supporting Newcastle in a few years
- He's filming from his mum's basement
- He's filming from his mum's spare room
- He's hungry for fame
- He's classist (weird one)

Agreed that it was a stupid thing to say, but definitely out of character and he likely just got caught up in playing to the camera. People banging on about 'respect' are taking football a bit seriously IMO. It's all very Dennis Reynolds. I'm confident I wouldn't have been so outraged if it was us on the other end of that 20 years ago, not that YouTube existed then.
Ooh, is this the beginning of a cancelling campaign?
I just offered further related info without opinion.

Personally I don't get 'Watch-a-longs', nor random talking heads discussing some information (hence why I find video news so annoying these days with completely unrelated nobodies asked for their opinion on the street about an event - the limited news time could be better spent by someone explaining the story in more detail... but I digress).
I might be misremembering but was it City Xtra who the original guy who set it up went to prison for being a nonce a few years back?
That was 'CityWatch' I'm sure. Guy who set up CityXtra is a young lad called Freddie.
Evidence, if it were needed, that every club has its fair share of dickheads who think that a lucrative career on YouTube awaits by simply broadcasting your ignorance to anyone willing to listen. With any luck, he's a regular visitor to this site and will soon get the message.
Let’s hope so. His lack of self awareness is staggering and a complete embarrassment to all city fans and the club. Maybe he should have sat in during some of his basic English geography lessons in year 2 of big school and just maybe as a purported footy voice he should have a basic appreciation of football below the big shiny league.
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