City amongst the Premier League clubs that support and promote gambling.

All I can find is the deal was worth 8 figures. Does anyone have more details on what Marathonbet are paying for the training kit sponsorship? Yeah I'd rather we find another training kit sponsor tbh, but it depends if we can match it elsewhere from a more ethical sponsor. Atleast the training kits are less in the public eye, I do have some sympathy with the smaller clubs not being able to turn deals down because of a lack of options personally. Some clubs don't have the luxury of thinking about ethics to that level.

Also with the ethical sources debate, you know what the Liverpool and United arseholes will be saying. "What about Etihad then" we all know the score with the Emirates vs Etihad hypocrisy. Plus the Standard Chartered Iranian money laundering connection. If you feel strongly about the betting aspect, fair enough but if it's because you're bothered about how we're perceived, you're sweeping up leaves on a windy day.
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It would be great to remove Gambling companies, not just from our shirts, but from Sports as a whole. In the old days you had to at least walk to a betting shop to place a bet, nowadays pick up a phone and drop the mortgage payments for the month.

It's also the fact that they are greedy wankers. The Fixed Odds betting terminals they fought for years to protect, the 1-person betting shop operations placing their staff in danger and the pushing of the shit bet. Try to place a £500 straight win bet and you'll get nowhere, it's all about the Acca nowadays as they know that combo betting offers the worst win ratios for punters.

The normalisation of gambing has led to a lot of hardship for those caught in it's web.
Bet365 alone took over £53 billion in sports bets a couple of years ago. Their main market is not people with a problem. As someone else said a few posts back, over 99% of people who have a bet for fun and it’s not a problem.

The problem is how easy is to gamble and the array of things you can gamble on. Even if you have a responsible book maker that has deposit limits, checks for source of funds, has cool off periods etc. If someone really wants to gamble there are so many companies out there that will happily take their money without a second thought. People then end up betting on a football match in Peru’s third tier.

I do think it’s slowly moving in the right direction, globally it’s becoming more regulated. Largely so governments can tax it. In the UK we’ve seen laws brought in around Fixed Odds Betting Terminals. Some companies voluntarily agreed to a whistle to whistle ban on adverts, then there’s been advertising campaigns such as“ when the fun stops, stop”. You can no longer deposit with a credit card in the UK.

Personally, I don’t have a issue with City being sponsored by a gambling company. I do think more could be done to regulate the industry, and to help those with an underlying issue. If you look at who has an issue. It’s not likely employed middle aged woman in a well paid job, but is likely to be a male aged 20-35 not in employment, and are more likely to have mental health issues. For those people gambling is often part of the problem, but not always the problem. The problem is more deep rooted and in the long term it is that which needs to be addressed.
I absolutely hate gambling and everything associated with it. Apart from the damage it does to many families, I’d struggle to think of a more boring topic of conversation. The big wins, the almost big wins and the ‘lump-ons’ and ‘value’. Jesus wept, it’s dire.

All of football needs to move away from it.
I was reading this article on the BBC Sport website and it really focused my concern over gambling in football being supported by the club that I support.
It's an addiction that tears families apart and ruins lives.
We probably all know at least one gambling addict but it can be hard to spot the problem because they act with all the typical behaviours of addiction, by making light of their addiction, lying about it's extent, making out that it's just a bit of harmless fun that adds spice to their enjoyment of the sport they love etc.
Some can keep on top of it but for many it's a one way street to bankruptcy and broken families.

I think that gambling advertising has no place in sport and that City should end their association with their 'official global betting partner' Marathon Bet because it's them making money out of the misery of others.

How do others feel about it?

Yep......but on a far smaller scale than Alcohol.....but despite most people being holier than vow about gambling, they don't want alcohol banned from grounds because they have a pint themselves and think it's 'cool' getting pissed.
IF you really care about families/addiction send a petition to the club to ban alcohol?
......and no it's not a problem that's personal to me or ever has been, just find it pathetic that people get anti one problem, but not one that would take something away from themselves.

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