City and debt

The rags debt is only interest payments at the moment but soon the debt payments have to be paid too..that will fook em big time financially.
If they sell then the new owners have to make 750 mill before they even break even.

Negative equity at its best.
I can't see the Sheikh giving a tip to a barmaid, be that £5 or £5 billion.

However, Kismet's comments seem to show a distinctly possible outcome although I am not sure why there would be a 10 year cut off.

As for Dubai being fooked, I am not sure about that either, just because a few ex-pats lost their jobs.

What has never been explained to me is who exactly negotiated such a fantastic deal for the club. It wouldn't be that little tinker Thaksin, would it?
kismet said:
In the UAE the credit crunch is definitely effecting Dubai as they have invested in their infra – structure building property etc for when their oil runs out in 5 years they hope tourism will take over……………Abu Dhabi is virtually unaffected as they own 12% of the world oil and have supplies for the next 90 years.

The ADUG Sovereign fund is worth 700 billion and Sheikh Mansour is Chairman, so far he has spent 200 million on transfer fees and 400 million on contracts, all of which is a gift and will not effect the balance sheet, he plans further spending thus –

3 top quality signings in January
The redevelopment of Sport City and Clayton Analine down the road (a massive site)
He will fund further in the summer

Why - because he loves football and the underdogs in any situation, and he wants to raise the profile of Abu Dhabi, note the final Grand Prix will be there, they are hoping for major soccer tournaments, they already host top quality golf and tennis events.

What he has spent so far is small change to him and there is more to come.

He has already stated this is a 10 year project and he will succeed, he always does. He is honourable and will not walk away from a project.
In 10 years time he may well move on but he will have made us self financing and we well be unrecognisable from the club we are today.

He will probably leave us with a couple of Billion it trust to see us over.

Khaldoon has told Sheikh Mansour how welcome we have made him and the banner was greatly received in Abu Dhabi.

We are extremely lucky.

Abramovich and Berlusconi were so worried of the might of Sheikh Mansour they ran for help to Platini.

Albeit tinged with some sentiment, this makes good reading in general.

Our owners are undoubtedly very honorable people and are without a doubt building a dynasty here at our beloved club, (my only regret is that i cant enjoy it first hand due to my present home being 5,000 fecking miles away!...........for now!) and indeed we are very fortunate to be the chosen one, but there was more than sentiment in that decision i can tell you, look at the incredible potential of our great club, believe me our new owners have invested wisely and we are a perfect match for their ambition, the sky is literally the limt here people!

The same cannot be said for the current American owners of The Swamp Dwellers, once they get tired of the debt riddled burden they have around their necks (Along with the constant abuse from the knobs at the swamp!) they will indeed look to off-load the club big time and if it wasnt for the economy we are in, i hesitate to say that they would have been looking very seriously at doing so at present. Anyway, once they start to think about off-loading, the bidding has to start at around 750M and there just isnt very many people around in the world who would be willing to invest that sort of money into a football club/business, as the rate of returns are just not that good, they never have been!

However, owning a football club, as we all know, isnt about making money, its about prestige and somewhat like owning a Ferrari, you never need one, but pretty much everyone looks at you when you have one if you catch my drfit? So someone with deep, really deep pockets, will show an interest in (and i hate saying this!) owning one of the worlds biggest clubs....but at what price and, after one of the worst recessions the world has ever known, just how many people are out there willing to spend that sort of money (my estimate for whats its worth would be just over a BILLION POUNDS) with very little hope of any worthwhile return..........very few! So a future meltdown is very defintely on the cards there, its just a matter of time, meanwhile we (Gods own club) are moving in the opposite direction at an alarming rate!

So, sit back, buckle up and enjoy the ride both young and old (lime me!) BLUES alike, as they are indeed very (very!) exciting times coming and no doubt trophy laden future beckons, sort out that trophy room extension guys........and quickly!!!

CTID and beyond....
I an getting very giddy about what is going to happen to our club!!

kismet wrote a possible future and I would love to believe that that is indeed the case, but just a few questions.

1. What evidence or proof do you (or indeed anyone have) that they are pushing for things to move that far?

2. In what form has the 'Gift' taken in terms of wages. Is it a trust fund? Is it just out into our bank account as a club?

Sorry for the doubt, just still find it hard to believe we are that Lucky. Am loving the ride!!
coleridge said:
As for Dubai being fooked, I am not sure about that either, just because a few ex-pats lost their jobs.
Trust me, it is. In fact it is fooked by any definition of the word. The construction industry (the emirate's biggest) has ground to a complete halt, we have man-made islands that cost billions of pounds just lying around going to waste, and all the proposed mega-projects (like the much-vaunted DubaiLand and The Waterfront) have been cancelled.

They can't even finish the Palm Jumeriah, let alone start building anything on the other two (which are much, much bigger) or The World.

The crisis has proved there is still no proper self-sustaining industry here and the levels of debt that the emirate is in would make Gordon Brown blush. Lots of companies and investors have had their fingers burnt by the fact that the emirate was never much more than just a giant Ponzi scheme and they won't be in a hurry to return. Dubai had to scrounge £20b off Abu Dhabi recently just to keep the current mess ticking over and there are strong rumours that Emirates Airline will be the next golden asset to be handed over to big brother. There literally isn't a pot to piss in.

Dubai will live on, but it won't ever reach the heights it once aimed for. In the meantime, Abu Dhabi will flourish because it has spent its money wisely, rather than splashing it around like some alcoholic crack whore who's just won the lottery.
I don't think we should get carried away and predicting the doom of the other team based on their debt.

There's nothing inherently bad about having debt, just about having too much relative to your financial performance and having excessive exposure to the market for credit. In some ways, it's smart business to appropriately leverage cheaper capital, and debt is always cheaper than equity. We are in a relatively strong position because we have no impending event requiring refinancing and the credit market has been crap. Clubs who are highly leveraged but have strong financial performance could pretty easily convert the debt to equity if they get in trouble - it won't hurt the club in the long run, just the owners.

You have to look at the whole balance sheet and financial performance. The value of their organization and their financial performance doesn't suggest any serious trouble. Our main advantage over them is that our ownership group are taking a much longer term perspective on building value, and are thus investing heavily. Their ownership seems to be much more focused on short term performance, but they have already reached a much higher value.

I'd rather be in our position, but they have about the most valuable sports franchise in the world, they aren't going to get into trouble.
Dubai is seriously struggling due to thousands of empty apartments , hopefully it will book up.............

Khaldoon said he had a 10 year plan...............

The man who made this happen............Pairot Piemthasong............Thaksin's deputy............more on this in a mo

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