City announce trial bus scheme for home games

Wrong might be the wrong word. Pricey seems better. No issues with them trying it and if it helps fans get to the ground, it‘s great.

Hopefully enough use it to get more busses needed and that might help lower the fare.

A family of 4 is £32 at the moment. Might as well get a parking ticket and park near the ground for that price.
Serious question if you pay the fine within 7 days how much is the fine ?
There should be no profit in this whatsoever by GMPT or the club , they’ve made a butty in the past from us all . Just let the supporters get to the game as easy as possible it’s a good intuitive . Not asking for charity but hope costs are kept to an absolute minimum.
The big test will be dealing with the traffic when the arena opens on the same night as a match. How to deal with circa 80,000 with concert goers using/booking the same car parks.

Subsidising the cost of the bus for groups/families would entice more people to use it. It’s a great idea for those areas they have chosen a route.

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