City booed off the pitch?

Pigeonho said:
It was a generalism, as in ANYONE, (i.e not you in particular), who boos their team should be met with a sharp, axe to the skull. Why booo your own team? Makes no sense, no sense whatsofuckingever.

makes plenty of sense to me as it is the one way we can show MH that we are not happy with what we are seeing. If you are happy with what you are seeing then fair enough, I am not therefore wanted to display this.

Also what's with the swearing, does it make you feel you are getting your point accross in a more intense manner??

Makes no sense? Are you mental?

Seein' as the majority of football clubs are owned by individuals and business consortiums fans have very little, or no, say in the runnin' of their teams (and it is our team despite what some rich bastard thinks). So protests, booin' and that, are the only way we have to show that we don't like the way things are going.

As for the objection to peoples use of English, well swearing is a healthy part of any rich and diverse language and is just as relevant as any other fuckin' words, plus it makes you sound 'ard.

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