I think the fa have actually played this with some sense to be honest. We did crowd the referee and deserve a fine, as long as they apply to everyone else too when they do it.
But by doing it this way the fa take the emphasis off Haaland (the clamour for his blood in the media has been laughably desperate and well out of proportion, suggesting he swore non stop into his face when the reality is he posted three letters, wtf) and probably are accepting somewhat of the fact that an incompetent decision in the last minute or a firey game, clearly wrong and potentially costing us 2 points, antagonized us into such actions. Fine is ok, losing Haaland would be more costly. Still wrong of us, but caused ultimately by the referee, who was in the wrong.
Accept it, move on. Make sure next time even a referee can't take the game away from us, but first start with reminding our defence how to defend.