City Circle

If you have lost all respect for the club - don't come and watch a £54 million pound midfielder in an amazing arena with other world class players. You hope the national press take the piss out of our club - words fail me - what a dickhead. If you don't like the food service - again don't come - I think it is fine. Had a lovely pie chips and gravy at the weekend and really enjoyed my day out. I have bigger things to worry about in life than having to queue for 5 minutes. Young kids serving chips are not necessarily the sharpest tools but they are doing a job. If it offends you that much bring a packed lunch.

And I am sure if you emailed a polite email expressing your concerns to the club of what has happened with City Circle it would be dealt with in a first class manner. If I have an issue with the club I tend to find it is dealt with in a very professional manner.

They might have made a balls of this but they do far more good than bad. How many jobs have they provided to the City and area? Makes me sick posts like yours.

Get over it.
Can see both sides to these posts ,think people need to be refunded,compensated and the whole thing needs to be filed away in whose daft idea was this anyway file
Can see both sides to these posts ,think people need to be refunded,compensated and the whole thing needs to be filed away in whose daft idea was this anyway file

I think you are probably right - but if I was the club and I saw a supposed fan in the national press bleating about some issue like his season ticket coming late with a sad face or the fact this city circle has turned out a bit shit - I would ban them for life. City on the whole makes me very happy and I am incredibly proud of the good work they have done in the community for 30+ years. Our new owners have embraced that. And before someone comes on and says I have paid x to commemorate my dead dad, granddad etc etc. I would reiterate it is not the end of the world. Laugh it off as a bit of fuck up and smile!!
Ah at last, so the Ric Mayall thread remains the only one ever in blue moon history not to have disagreements in it.

I'm not overly happy what is being offered and wouldn't dream of going to the press but, really City are pisstaking and using our support as a given.
I sympathise with those who've wasted their money on particular I sympathise with those (they know who they are) who had no choice but to stick this out because of the way the money was donated to them for a memorial.

Having had some (very minor) involveKent, I do know that this was a crazy idea by an ex-employee who grossly overestimated the demand for what was always a simple profit-making exercise designed to relieve the gullible of their cash. I also know that it has become an embarrassment to the staff at MCFC left holding the baby, and that's why they are putting on this trite 'opening', to try to appease those who's cash they have taken.

I know one or two are emotionally invested, and have had phone calls ignored etc. That was a big mistake. But please don't go to the gutter press with this as there will be no winners, apart from the enemies of our club.
If you have lost all respect for the club - don't come and watch a £54 million pound midfielder in an amazing arena with other world class players. You hope the national press take the piss out of our club - words fail me - what a dickhead. If you don't like the food service - again don't come - I think it is fine. Had a lovely pie chips and gravy at the weekend and really enjoyed my day out. I have bigger things to worry about in life than having to queue for 5 minutes. Young kids serving chips are not necessarily the sharpest tools but they are doing a job. If it offends you that much bring a packed lunch.

And I am sure if you emailed a polite email expressing your concerns to the club of what has happened with City Circle it would be dealt with in a first class manner. If I have an issue with the club I tend to find it is dealt with in a very professional manner.

They might have made a balls of this but they do far more good than bad. How many jobs have they provided to the City and area? Makes me sick posts like yours.

Get over it.

You clearly have not got a fucking clue what has gone on with this farce have you? Try reading a few posts in this thread before you start telling me and the other people that you think it will be dealt with in a first class manner - I can assure you that in this case it hasn't.

I've sent numerous emails on behalf of the people who contributed to these discs asking when they'd be laid and have systematically been fobbed off, as have many others, with excuses and promises that were never going to be kept. I even spoke to Danny Wilson who'd taken over this task, he assured everything was in hand and if I'd any queries about the proposed Easter completion date he told me about during our call to get in touch with him directly - if I didn't get through to him straight away he promised he'd ring me back. Easter came and went, no discs laid so I rang as suggested, I left messages on his answerphone and he didn't bother getting back. I've had dozens of emails from various people all assuring me that it was in hand and would be sorted soon.

This isn't about pies and £54m players it about the way the club sees fit to fob off people who have paid a lot of money for memorial discs that have taken over 2 1/2 years to get sorted. There are posts in this thread and the others from people who've bought the discs as presents for people who have since died, for lads 18ths who are now 21, from people that have moved away and are unlikely to see them. You can't take over £300 off someone and fuck them about for almost 3 years and expect them to just sit back and keep saying 'oh well they've done more good than bad whilst I've been waiting since Jan 2013 for them to get this sorted' It's about treating their fans with a bit more respect than they have done.

I received an email this morning telling me where and when the 'event' starts, two days before the 'event' takes place. Hardly giving people much time to get shifts, transport, babysitters sorted is it. Unless they've almost fucked this event up as well, I'd have thought that they could have given people more than two days notice to make plans for their evening out.

I'm so sorry that my post made you sick,but I'm sure you'll get over it and find something better to do with your time other than make comments about something you clearly haven't got a clue about.
I sympathise with those who've wasted their money on particular I sympathise with those (they know who they are) who had no choice but to stick this out because of the way the money was donated to them for a memorial.

Having had some (very minor) involveKent, I do know that this was a crazy idea by an ex-employee who grossly overestimated the demand for what was always a simple profit-making exercise designed to relieve the gullible of their cash. I also know that it has become an embarrassment to the staff at MCFC left holding the baby, and that's why they are putting on this trite 'opening', to try to appease those who's cash they have taken.

I know one or two are emotionally invested, and have had phone calls ignored etc. That was a big mistake. But please don't go to the gutter press with this as there will be no winners, apart from the enemies of our club.

I think the strangest thing though, is that the club could put it right fairly easily with a proper monument of some sort. So long as it's impressive and holds everybody's name, that's all they need do. Even if they suspect a monument may need to be relocated later, if they plan for it, it's not a big deal.
How much would an impressive monument cost? 100K? it's a drop in the ocean to put this right. It's staggering that a plan gone wrong wasn't rectified in the best possible way ASAP.

Even if the original scheme wasn't well thought out, it just hasn't been resolved well (or in a timely manner) either which has made matters worse. This entire problem could have been sorted.
There are a few hundred discs in place I gather? How much did that generate for the club - less than £100,000?
Three days of our top earners salary, cost of about 150 season tickets - yet the club can't hold their hands up, apologise and give everyone a refund. Even if it's twice the amount I suggested it's an insignificant sum of money in the grand scheme of things - less that 0.05% of last years turnover - hardly going to break the bank is it?
I think the strangest thing though, is that the club could put it right fairly easily with a proper monument of some sort. So long as it's impressive and holds everybody's name, that's all they need do. Even if they suspect a monument may need to be relocated later, if they plan for it, it's not a big deal.
How much would an impressive monument cost? 100K? it's a drop in the ocean to put this right. It's staggering that a plan gone wrong wasn't rectified in the best possible way ASAP.

Even if the original scheme wasn't well thought out, it just hasn't been resolved well (or in a timely manner) either which has made matters worse. This entire problem could have been sorted.

Totally agree, They should have put something in city square years ago. I'm sure it would have been closer to 5k than 100k as well. It's been appallingly handled, no doubt.
I think the strangest thing though, is that the club could put it right fairly easily with a proper monument of some sort. So long as it's impressive and holds everybody's name, that's all they need do. Even if they suspect a monument may need to be relocated later, if they plan for it, it's not a big deal.
How much would an impressive monument cost? 100K? it's a drop in the ocean to put this right. It's staggering that a plan gone wrong wasn't rectified in the best possible way ASAP.

Even if the original scheme wasn't well thought out, it just hasn't been resolved well (or in a timely manner) either which has made matters worse. This entire problem could have been sorted.

I asked if they could be amalgamated into the new training complex that was being built at the time - it had become clear that the original site at the end of Joe Mercer Way wasn't going to happen. I suggested a stand alone memorial wall or even that they were made part of a new complex wall - in the wall around near/around the entrance to the minihad would have been a perfect alternative - better than where they are now.

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