"City dig heels in over Robinho"

It has happened before on several occasions, sheva and Crespo cost Chelsea going on £30 million each and £100k a week, both went back on loan to italy, with CHelsea covering most of the wages. They got no fee for either player in the end.

Similar happened with Veron - but he only cost them £15 million.

Thing is all 3 players were heading towards their 30s and Chelsea simply didnt need them at the time, like Robinho its easy to argue that they were never worth the fees paid in the first place.

I think he will end up going on a 6 month loan deal back to Santos but he will have to take an enourmous pay cut and it wont be the end of the problem as after the wolrd cup we will have no chance of getting him back or recouping any money if we let him get his own way now. Same happened with Crespo and Sheva they went on a short initial loan, the clubs wouldnt pay their wages or a fee to sign them permanently Chelsea made them come back they basically all but refused to play and said they were willing to see out their contracts in the reserves - but they were heading towards their 30s and no world cup to play for. We are in a strong postion here I just hope Cook and co show some balls and dont let Robinho and his advisors fuck us on this.
Ah, Daniel Taylor. The Guardian 'journalist' who spends half his day making up shit about City and the other half cleaning Sir Alex's bumhole with his tongue.

A man so far up Baconface's arse he broke his silence on the Ladyboy's disgraceful behaviour at the Munich Centenary game, when the pouting pony disgraced the memory of the Munich fallen. Only he didn't do it on the actual day, oh no, he waited a couple of months, until precisely the moment that Ladyboy was angling for a move to Real and Fergie was digging his heels in (wouldn't sell them a virus). Of course, on the day he actually witnessed this appalling behaviour, he had nothing but praise for the noble reds and was trying to drag City through the mud over alleged/imagined disruptions of the minute's silence.

Once Ladyboy decided to stay on, Taylor suddenly forgot all about him pissing on the Munich dead and was back to lauding him as the greatest player in the Premiership... until he finally did fuck off to Real.

I wouldn't trust the date under this ****'s byline. And you can quote me on that.
alera said:
Really he has alot more to loose than city and our owners. I am sure they will be annoyed he is taking the piss out of the club and costing them so much money BUT they can at least afford it. Even real were not willing to pay him £80k a week and right off £30 million when he threw a hissy fit.

He is forcing us into a corner and leaving us with little other option, we let him go it saves us maybe £30k a week of his wages but we will be a laughing stock and loose all credability when it comes to dealing with want away players.

If we let him go in these circumstances we can forget about recovering much if any of the fee we have paid and you try getting him back to city after the world cup.

The way I see it its high risk stakes now for Robinho, he can throw a temper tantrum and refuse to play - we refuse to pay his wages, he gets no football and wont play in the world cup.

Really hope we make a stand and show we will not be taken the piss out of.

Call his bluff make it clear he goes no where unless it benefits our club if he not happy and causes trouble he can play in the reserves.

If he wont do that he doesnt get paid. Maybe that will focus his mind, make him do the right think and put some effort in for the first time in 12 months.

This is my feeling. We have nothing to gain from loaning him to Santos. Would rather call his bluff and make him play in the reserves & if he doesn't want to do that then keep fining him his wages. He should be told he is going nowhere.
Rammy Blue said:
alera said:
I really hope its true and we dont let him take the piss out of our club. I dont see why we should let him leave if we have nothing to gain, leave ourselves short when we are competeting for 3 trophies AND be massively out of pocket.

In effect Robinho and his advisors expect us to right off the £32 million we paid and still pay a large portion of his wages so he can go and have a nice holiday in Brazil play for his home town club in a lesuirely manner and get himself fit for the world cup.

We will be a laughing stock if we cave in and this ends up happening, espcially on his ridiculous terms.

If Barca or any other club wanted to do a player swap deal for someone we want fair enough.

Otherwise he needs to get on with it, he can carry on playing shit, not putting in the effort or doing his best in which case he can warm the bench and damage his world cup prospects as he has been doing this season so far.

Or he can act like a pro that cost us £32 million and earns over £100k a week, work hard and try and force his way back into the team.

Unlike some others I dont see why Robinho should do as he likes and shit all over MCFC.

agree 100%.

likewise - well said
alera said:
Really he has alot more to loose than city and our owners. I am sure they will be annoyed he is taking the piss out of the club and costing them so much money BUT they can at least afford it. Even real were not willing to pay him £80k a week and right off £30 million when he threw a hissy fit.

He is forcing us into a corner and leaving us with little other option, we let him go it saves us maybe £30k a week of his wages but we will be a laughing stock and loose all credability when it comes to dealing with want away players.

If we let him go in these circumstances we can forget about recovering much if any of the fee we have paid and you try getting him back to city after the world cup.

The way I see it its high risk stakes now for Robinho, he can throw a temper tantrum and refuse to play - we refuse to pay his wages, he gets no football and wont play in the world cup.

Really hope we make a stand and show we will not be taken the piss out of.

Call his bluff make it clear he goes no where unless it benefits our club if he not happy and causes trouble he can play in the reserves.

If he wont do that he doesnt get paid. Maybe that will focus his mind, make him do the right think and put some effort in for the first time in 12 months.

Excellent post

I'm a huge Robinho fan but my loyalty lies with MCFC and I hate seeing us look bad, which this loan deal would do. Make him earn his world cup spot playing in the premier league for us, and promise him the move he wants in the summer. If he goes on strike do what chelsea did to the cocaine guy (Mutu?) and sue him for his transfer fee.

if he's not playing

we are going to save on wages

and if he plays OK for santos and goes on to have a good world cup

then we would get a better fee if someone in europe wanted to buy him

on the other hand

it has been obvious that robinho and santos have talked this up, not city. they can't railroad city here, we hold all the aces.

benfica may well be interested and might even offer a deal over di maria (I'd take it)

either way, I'm not worried about how this looks as much as some other people. city aren't idiots. loaning out robinho wouldn't be seen as madness, these things happen to all sorts of clubs (sheva & crespo for chelsea are obvious, but, how about castillo at shaktar? it's not that uncommon to cut your losses).
Actually that point was made to me. If hes not happy he can pay his way out of his contract - cost £32 million. Hes a rich guy if he doesnt care about the money and hes not happy here he can do that. Sure our owners would work out some sort of repayment plan with him ?

if he's not playing

we are going to save on wages

and if he plays OK for santos and goes on to have a good world cup

then we would get a better fee if someone in europe wanted to buy him

We loan him out on the terms being mentioned we will look like idiots see Sheva / Crespo example. Like I said before if we let him walk all over us like this as with the two players mentioned no one will pay us a fee or even cover all his wages. We will look weak and stupid and yes we will be a laughing stock.

The deal Santos and Robinho are pushing is an 18 month contract and us paying £80k a week of his wages ! = final year of contract, no fee and £4 million + a year on our payroll. That what happens if you say fine let the player do what he likes Robinho is bigger than MCFC.
Rammy Blue said:
alera said:
I really hope its true and we dont let him take the piss out of our club. I dont see why we should let him leave if we have nothing to gain, leave ourselves short when we are competeting for 3 trophies AND be massively out of pocket.

In effect Robinho and his advisors expect us to right off the £32 million we paid and still pay a large portion of his wages so he can go and have a nice holiday in Brazil play for his home town club in a lesuirely manner and get himself fit for the world cup.

We will be a laughing stock if we cave in and this ends up happening, espcially on his ridiculous terms.

If Barca or any other club wanted to do a player swap deal for someone we want fair enough.

Otherwise he needs to get on with it, he can carry on playing shit, not putting in the effort or doing his best in which case he can warm the bench and damage his world cup prospects as he has been doing this season so far.

Or he can act like a pro that cost us £32 million and earns over £100k a week, work hard and try and force his way back into the team.

Unlike some others I dont see why Robinho should do as he likes and shit all over MCFC.

agree 100%.

all so agreed 100%

i just wish some would see that in not questing robbies ability as a player and on his day world class but his mental attitude at not being the golden boy all the time!

he shone last season for this reason but having just as good a player around him now he does not like it,i just hope if all fails in this move and he has to stay he shows us the real robinhio.

you know the one that scored 14 goals!
so Alera, let me get this straight, you now hope he doesnt go in these prospectful transfer talks with Santos? Is that so we can hear you squirm when he scores a brace at Stamford bridge or a hatrick at home vrs the Yiddies? Lets fukin hope so fella...

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