"City don't have a chance..."

andrewmswift said:
Wasn't even that good in MLS.

This! I watched a lot of LA games this season and he doesnt stand out at all in MLS. Both Keane and Donovan add much more than this overated, never been joker who won 100+ caps for England....YCNMIU !!

Cant stand the guy, he honestly believes that the world is just waiting to hear every word coming out of his mouth, ego the size of London this twat!
stony said:
Every fucking rag in the world, former players, pundits, Journos, commentators, presenters, Indian call centre workers, the fucking lot of them are shitting bricks.
They know we are better than them. They know bacon face is somehow managing to hold together a mixture of a few good players, a lot of journeymen and one world class player and somehow keep them challenging.

They know it's our time and they they are frightened. So they are saying anything and everything to try and distract us from winning the league. It will only get worse and more bitter the longer the season goes on.

It doesn't matter, we will still win. Mancini isn't Wenger or Keegan, he will ignore the lot of them, see it for what it is, and take it as a compliment. They fear us and he knows it.

This has to be a candidate for post of the year. Well said.<br /><br />-- Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:23 pm --<br /><br />
Big Fish said:
I don't get this 'experience' talk. Does that mean that a team will only win the league if they have won it before?

Yep. Typical gormless logic. I wouldn't expect any less from him.
andrewmswift said:
Wasn't even that good in MLS.

Wasn't even that good a footballer period, but thats for another debate...

His comments are blinkered, unprofessional, and childish, its just blind United loyalty gone mad. He makes Crerand and Macari look quite sensible, and balanced. At least Neville is able to be impartial on Sky, despite the fact privately he may be otherwise. He's done himself no favours, and has just come across like a petulant idiot. An even bigger one if possible.
And herein lies the problem. The youth of today have been brought up to believe this Cockney imbecile is the second coming of Christ. They are brainwashed into believing that he was the finest player ever to grace the game. They are force-fed so much media bullshit that they see Beckham as the new Messiah and therefor if he says we don't have a chance then we don't. Endof story.

It only takes a handful of youngsters to stand up and say: "Whoa, hang on. What exactly has he done to warrant such adulation? What skills did he possess that puts him above Messi, Zidane etc"?
A bit like the Emperor's new clothes.

It's down to the rest of us to educate these young kids, to tell them the truth - he was an average player whose pursuit of the limelight overshadowed anything he ever did on the pitch.
Still haven´t forgiven the coont for pulling out of that tackle in the QF v Brazil right on fookin HT. Had he put that in the stand we would have reached the semis , probably beaten the Eddie Merkx and of course lost to the sauers in the final. Still runners up not bad
Oh and if his wife is a top designer I´m back scuttling Sofia Vergara tonight
KentBlue said:
And herein lies the problem. The youth of today have been brought up to believe this Cockney imbecile is the second coming of Christ. They are brainwashed into believing that he was the finest player ever to grace the game. They are force-fed so much media bullshit that they see Beckham as the new Messiah and therefor if he says we don't have a chance then we don't. Endof story.

It only takes a handful of youngsters to stand up and say: "Whoa, hang on. What exactly has he done to warrant such adulation? What skills did he possess that puts him above Messi, Zidane etc"?
A bit like the Emperor's new clothes.

It's down to the rest of us to educate these young kids, to tell them the truth - he was an average player whose pursuit of the limelight overshadowed anything he ever did on the pitch.

I think it was Roberto Carlos who said something about Beckham like 'his first touch isn't bad, but his second touch is usually a tackle.'

He personifies the triumph of hype over substance. He is why good advertising agencies and marketing consultants will never be short of work.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
And when this delusional hypocritical prick does receive a Knighthood, it will confirm what I have known deep down for the last decade.

This country is dead in all but name.
Brain dead as well, which is obvious when the likes of 'Strictly ballroom' or whatever its called, and the fucking X Factor are so popular. God help us!
Thatchersforearm said:
The biggest mercenary in world football speaks. Great. The thought of 'Sir David Beckham' makes me sick.
and stupid Pearce picking him for the GB olympic team

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