"City don't have a chance..."

beckham,get one of your stupid named kids to rearrnage this for you fuck up the shut.
and while we are on the subject of kids,why did you name your youngest after alan harper,ex city full back,he wasnt even no 7
you thick cockney shit bag
bonespost said:
lordloverocket said:
rooney after the CHARITY SHIELD ...we gave them a footballing lesson
beckham... city dont have a chance

these two pricks arent excatly mastermind material are they
i really hope we smash it in the league and the red bastards hav to clap our lads on.....while the south stand unfold a banner....."we dont have a chance".. then we can change the invisible man to just like a team thats won the premier league were not really here!!
the best banner would be
that defo has to be done,a MASSIVE one
Amazingly his name hasn't been put forward for sports PERSONALITY of the year this year cos he would have pissed it.
Beckham's a henpecked moronic **** who should keep his fuckin mouth shut and listen out for his wife's instructions on what to wear today and what type of haircut to have next
Forget the fact that we are all football fans and by nature are partisan, for anybody to come out with ''City don't stand a chance,'' it shows that either they are extremely blinkered or extremely stupid. Beckham, for obvious reasons falls into the second camp. If it were the rags, dippers or anyone else at the top of the league by 5 points at this stage, nobody in their right mind would come out with such a statement.
Maybe City won't win it but such mouthings are cringeworthy at this stage and it shows an inate petulance and arrogance in his nature that is clearly manifested in a knee jerk reaction, like some kid who has been told to behave himself.

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