"City don't have a chance..."

Proof, if anymore were needed that the narcissitic, PR driven "Team Beckham" is a total and utter ****. And shows the differnece between him and a professional footballer that took their own life yesterday.

He did the sincerity tribute to Speed but the media was too busy covering that mans life and tributes. So he tweets something ridiculous, low and behold all the journos go apeshit and David Beckham is once again the talk of British football.

A grade A **** who deserves to be exposed for the charlaten he is.
Once a twat always a twat !!!
Ignore the squeeky mouth cockney rag,just ram it back down his throat in May !
Silva has sweated out more skill than that twat ever had.
the league this season is going to be so much more entertaining and close because of the effect that city have had on it....we broke the transfer dominance that utd and chelski had by buying players like silva, yaya and various others that otherwise may have gone to the old top 4.....we have by our strenghening causedd the likes of spurs esp to up their game to stay in touch while weaking the top 2-3....especially arsenal

the league is going to be very close between us, chelski spurs and arsenal and liverpool utd...i dont think many points will seperate the top 6 at all at the end of the season as all are capable on their day of beating each other now, whereas in the past utd and chelski would just beat everyone and te rest would be left scrapping for the left overs

we will push for the number one spot all the way and be there or there abouts.....and if we miss out so be it...but what the utd fans are really worried about is that its going to be like that EVERY SEASON from now on and they cannt stand that fact
What a tosser,

And did anyone feel his comments On Gary Speed seemed really impersonal and not very genuine or is that just me as I think every thing he says is about him!
Pretty standard, he just want's the be a rag hero.

I can't wait to get a list of these quotes as the end of the season and re-post them.
Nothin' new to see Mr Beckham sayin' his piece , he doesn't half talk some crap though , he always has ........ i don't know why he didn't go into politics , he looks a bit like that Ann Widdecombe .... it would have been tailor made for him , and he could have taken posh spice on a world cruise on expenses!

Oddly enough Mr Beckham didn't appear to say much on his ex-clubs derby thrashing , did he ?
Re: Re: "City don't have a chance..."

Tbilisi said:
I think this is excellent stuff.

Pin it on the dressing room notice board along with noisey neighbours,not in my lifetime etc - you cant buy motivation like this.

Thanks David but to play mind games you have to start with a mind.

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