City fan complaining - MEN

I wouldn't have written into the paper, but I can see the guy's point. City have for the past 10 years at least had a slick merchandise department, now they have franchised it out and, to put it bluntly, it's gone to shit.

I ordered the top on the day of release & got it on Wednesday - when I phoned up to see what was happening, I was just told "well, it was sent by Royal Mail so we can't track it" - this for the same cost of delivery that we used to pay when it was the tracked courier delivery. I phoned today about the home top, and was told to guarantee delivery on launch day you have to choose express delivery at an added cost.

Add to this the fact that my online account isn't working for the shop & when I spoke to customer services today, there answer to that was "yeah - we're having some problems with it, and we don't know when it'll be fixed so you'll just have to wait" and I can see why the guy is pissed off with the new franchised merchandising department.
Some pricks will just moan at anythin,they should of ordered the top back and banned the **** for goin public with this,what a sad tosser i hope its the wrong size.
Citytillidie69 said:
The MUEN named this sad-sack as Daine McCormick 21 of Mary Street, Cheadle and placed a rather large photo of him with the posed "sad face".

Quote from Evening News
"Now he has accused the mega-rich Blues of not caring about there fans feelings, Daine a student who works part time said "It was a joke. All my mates had one apart from me"

I'm sure a few of the Cheadle branch will know this geezer and maybe Tommy or someone should advise him of the good things that the club have done for the fans.

I get the impression he was hoping for a lot more than a 10% discount, hence the reason for going to the press and slagging the club off.

Right get the fucking Churchill statues,swimming pools and everything else ordered for the twat and lets see if he moans about a fucking late delivery then !!!!!!
Miserably sad faced turd.
r.soleofsalford said:
117 M34 said:
Anybody see the city fan in the MEN complaining because his city shirt arrived 3 days late?
Said City aren't a club for the people anymore and because we are rich we should have made sure it got to him on time. Also moaned that they only gave him a 10% discount as a result of the late delivery.

I think we have got enough people slagging us off at the moment without our own fans going to the papers about something which is so petty.

Who ever that person was,hes a twat

I remember him..posh fellah wasn't he?...I wonder if he knew how many hundreds of people were sat in their cars in the north car park, shaking their head in disbelief, as he stood on Joe Mercer way spouting that rubbish to the radio..lucky he didn't get lynched.

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