City fans - a frightening new insight...

"Lots of numpties supporting us these days"

I'm sorry, but I don't know one person who has switches allegiances and chosen to support City, I don't know of and haven't heard of any one person who has began to take an interest in supporting City just because we were bought by some incredible owners. These "numpties" have been here the whole time, they're the same City fans that we've always had, but the money has either got to their heads or they've become too excited by the prospects we have infront of us. We don't have glory supporters, maybe once we've won the league we might pick up a few youngsters from the south, but until we achieve something considerable we won't be sporting any glory hunters, and we currently are the same fans we've always been, the only difference being that cotton blanket of an unsuccessful club has been removed and the exposure of our real fans is upon us..
m27 said:
buzzer1 said:
Apparantly i'm not a truer blue than some because i'm from St. Helens(this has actually been said to me), what a load of shite. I've been booted out of grounds, chased around towns and cities, sold my possesions to get to the game, called my kid after a true ledge, i could go on. What i'm getting at Allan is who is and who isnt? put your ticket stubbs againbst half the nobs on this forum and there would be only one winner. :)

How's school going for young "Goat"? Kids can be so cruel.

No mate, i actually called her Colin.
chazmcfc said:
Ric, can we ban the people that joined AFTER the takeover ?

Would go a long way to clearing the prawn sandwhich brigade.

Don`t think its as simple as that, I only joined last year but have had my season ticket for 37 glory hunting years.
bridgeblue said:
chazmcfc said:
Ric, can we ban the people that joined AFTER the takeover ?

Would go a long way to clearing the prawn sandwhich brigade.

Don`t think its as simple as that, I only joined last year but have had my season ticket for 37 glory hunting years.

You do realise Mr b that you could of payed your mortgage off with all that squandered money. :)
chazmcfc said:
Ric, can we ban the people that joined AFTER the takeover ?

Would go a long way to clearing the prawn sandwhich brigade.

hey i joined after the takeover, doesnt meen im one of these people lol

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