City fans - a frightening new insight...

tolmie's hairdoo said:
I had the misfortune yesterday evening to view and participate in a Robinho thread which basically turned into a mocking of our club.

It was biggest realisation yet that some part of the club I have loved for all my 35 years are going to change, and not for the better.

Maybe it is a reflection of todays all about me society, but this club has attracted a new wave of turds who would not be out of place at OT.

MCFCDave and Allan Harper, a disgrace to City fans.

One who believes we have no history or heritage, and Allan Harper, who says who gives a fuck about the past, he wasn't around and it never affected him.

(Tell that to the millions of people who died in two World Wars - fuckstick)

Jesus, is this where we're now at. Infested with a new generation of gimmegimmegimmes, nownownow.

Someone who doesn't give a fuck about Colin Bell, Frank Swift and all the other great players who have pulled on the blue shirt.

I've never seen us win a trophy, and these ***** want stop me enjoying it when it finally does come.

But I was hooked on City by the tales of yesteryear, by Dad telling me about Colin Bell, like some sort of mythical god.

What I am trying to say, we should NEVER forget where we have come from and what it has taken to get us here.

Our not so trophy-laden past was one of the main reasons why Sheikh Mansour decided to wake this slumbering giant.

Now we have piggy-backers and fans who only think football started at the inception of the Premiership.I know what my club is, I wouldn't have it any other way, what I don't need is a so-called new breed of City fans who try to tell us success means everything - even at the expense of our history.

Here's the thread for a sample of the type of people we now have following us.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=169499&start=30</a>

You are ITK Tomo but you talk aload of shite here ^^^^^^^ where the same fans before and after the premiership its the expectation levels thats been raised thats divided opinions like never before. your conspiracy theory of the" new piggy backers" might go down well with the ufo phenomena as ive yet to see one. You can have your history and you can preach it all you want but excuse me if i skip that class as the 20 years of me watching City as been nothing but heart break. So forgive me if im only looking to the future because i take no shame in looking at the riches that lay ahead. 20 fucking years of having rag mates take the piss left right and center while they go on, winning trophy after fucking trophy. So fuck you Tomo you righteous **** and fuck anyone else who dosent like what i say. See you all at Burnley x x x
allan harper said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I had the misfortune yesterday evening to view and participate in a Robinho thread which basically turned into a mocking of our club.

It was biggest realisation yet that some part of the club I have loved for all my 35 years are going to change, and not for the better.

Maybe it is a reflection of todays all about me society, but this club has attracted a new wave of turds who would not be out of place at OT.

MCFCDave and Allan Harper, a disgrace to City fans.

One who believes we have no history or heritage, and Allan Harper, who says who gives a fuck about the past, he wasn't around and it never affected him.

(Tell that to the millions of people who died in two World Wars - fuckstick)

Jesus, is this where we're now at. Infested with a new generation of gimmegimmegimmes, nownownow.

Someone who doesn't give a fuck about Colin Bell, Frank Swift and all the other great players who have pulled on the blue shirt.

I've never seen us win a trophy, and these ***** want stop me enjoying it when it finally does come.

But I was hooked on City by the tales of yesteryear, by Dad telling me about Colin Bell, like some sort of mythical god.

What I am trying to say, we should NEVER forget where we have come from and what it has taken to get us here.

Our not so trophy-laden past was one of the main reasons why Sheikh Mansour decided to wake this slumbering giant.

Now we have piggy-backers and fans who only think football started at the inception of the Premiership.

I know what my club is, I wouldn't have it any other way, what I don't need is a so-called new breed of City fans who try to tell us success means everything - even at the expense of our history.

Here's the thread for a sample of the type of people we now have following us.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 9&start=30</a>

Two words Allan, FUK 'EM.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I had the misfortune yesterday evening to view and participate in a Robinho thread which basically turned into a mocking of our club.

It was biggest realisation yet that some part of the club I have loved for all my 35 years are going to change, and not for the better.

Maybe it is a reflection of todays all about me society, but this club has attracted a new wave of turds who would not be out of place at OT.

MCFCDave and Allan Harper, a disgrace to City fans.

One who believes we have no history or heritage, and Allan Harper, who says who gives a fuck about the past, he wasn't around and it never affected him.

(Tell that to the millions of people who died in two World Wars - fuckstick)

Jesus, is this where we're now at. Infested with a new generation of gimmegimmegimmes, nownownow.

Someone who doesn't give a fuck about Colin Bell, Frank Swift and all the other great players who have pulled on the blue shirt.

I've never seen us win a trophy, and these ***** want stop me enjoying it when it finally does come.

But I was hooked on City by the tales of yesteryear, by Dad telling me about Colin Bell, like some sort of mythical god.

What I am trying to say, we should NEVER forget where we have come from and what it has taken to get us here.

Our not so trophy-laden past was one of the main reasons why Sheikh Mansour decided to wake this slumbering giant.

Now we have piggy-backers and fans who only think football started at the inception of the Premiership.

I know what my club is, I wouldn't have it any other way, what I don't need is a so-called new breed of City fans who try to tell us success means everything - even at the expense of our history.

Here's the thread for a sample of the type of people we now have following us.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=169499&start=30</a>

LEGEND! Well said mate, Too many people becoming impatient and wanting success now. Real blues love all aspects of our club and the younger blues like myself look to learn from the guys who have "been there are done that" in the early years. I've been following city since birth and started going to Maine Road at the age of 5 but i could tell you what happened 40 years before that. People on here who aren't arsed about our history can "jog on", supporting a club is about all areas of the club, past present and future
Sad in fighting between City fans!!

U r right not to forget the past but we must look to the future!!!

Liverpool r living off history and hopefully Manure and Chelsea will be doing the same soon with City living the dream!!

If you are going to "judge" who is worthy to be a City fan then you will never fill this proposed 70,000 to 100,000 seater stadium!

Lets enjoy the ride and hopefully it wont be the rollercoaster ride it once was!
allan harper said:
buzzer1 said:
Two words Allan, FUK 'EM.

That fucking arsehole thinks cause hes got inside info on City hes untouchable, going on like hes the perfect City fan, he can kiss my fat one.

Apparantly i'm not a truer blue than some because i'm from St. Helens(this has actually been said to me), what a load of shite. I've been booted out of grounds, chased around towns and cities, sold my possesions to get to the game, called my kid after a true ledge, i could go on. What i'm getting at Allan is who is and who isnt? put your ticket stubbs againbst half the nobs on this forum and there would be only one winner. :)
FFS can we all stop with the bitching. Yes we all have different option's on our great club but for christ sake some of you on here are acting like them numpty's from the swamp.
WE ALL remember the bad old days in div 2 and us getting tonked 5-0 by the scum.
But we was all together in them day's yes there was a bit of bitching and moaning but nothing compared to us now.
We are the richest club in the world with limitless potential and with everyone else gunning for us and wanting us to fail we should be together not getting personal with each other about such stupid shite.
buzzer1 said:
allan harper said:
That fucking arsehole thinks cause hes got inside info on City hes untouchable, going on like hes the perfect City fan, he can kiss my fat one.

Apparantly i'm not a truer blue than some because i'm from St. Helens(this has actually been said to me), what a load of shite. I've been booted out of grounds, chased around towns and cities, sold my possesions to get to the game, called my kid after a true ledge, i could go on. What i'm getting at Allan is who is and who isnt? put your ticket stubbs againbst half the nobs on this forum and there would be only one winner. :)

How's school going for young "Goat"? Kids can be so cruel.
allan harper said:
buzzer1 said:
Two words Allan, FUK 'EM.

That fucking arsehole thinks cause hes got inside info on City hes untouchable, going on like hes the perfect City fan, he can kiss my fat one.

I go away for 24 hours and you are still moaning. Firstly, no football fans, or humans are perfect.

Secondly, you said our history was meaningless.

That's all, nothing more, nothing less. You admit you were in the wrong with your shitty comments, as was MCFCDave.

Now you are protesting too much. Life's too short to be getting heated over someone you don't know, or have never met.

The fact you are a blue, gives you more in common with me than the majority of people on this planet.

This forum is not about who listened more in English class, whose shit smells sweeter.

It's about sharing a common interest in supporting City, and on this occasion, your comments were not just unsupportive (as so many can be on here, including my own).

They were just wrong.

You are one of the few exceptions to the rule, no doubt, in your admission you have no family who brought you to City.

But for the majority, we were brought to it by family, dads, uncles, grandad's.

City's history is woven through family ties, so never discount it's relevance to people.

I won't be at Burnley tomorrow, you will.

Don't make you better than me, apllies both ways.
BibbyBlue85 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
I had the misfortune yesterday evening to view and participate in a Robinho thread which basically turned into a mocking of our club.

It was biggest realisation yet that some part of the club I have loved for all my 35 years are going to change, and not for the better.

Maybe it is a reflection of todays all about me society, but this club has attracted a new wave of turds who would not be out of place at OT.

MCFCDave and Allan Harper, a disgrace to City fans.

One who believes we have no history or heritage, and Allan Harper, who says who gives a fuck about the past, he wasn't around and it never affected him.

(Tell that to the millions of people who died in two World Wars - fuckstick)

Jesus, is this where we're now at. Infested with a new generation of gimmegimmegimmes, nownownow.

Someone who doesn't give a fuck about Colin Bell, Frank Swift and all the other great players who have pulled on the blue shirt.

I've never seen us win a trophy, and these ***** want stop me enjoying it when it finally does come.

But I was hooked on City by the tales of yesteryear, by Dad telling me about Colin Bell, like some sort of mythical god.

What I am trying to say, we should NEVER forget where we have come from and what it has taken to get us here.

Our not so trophy-laden past was one of the main reasons why Sheikh Mansour decided to wake this slumbering giant.

Now we have piggy-backers and fans who only think football started at the inception of the Premiership.

I know what my club is, I wouldn't have it any other way, what I don't need is a so-called new breed of City fans who try to tell us success means everything - even at the expense of our history.

Here's the thread for a sample of the type of people we now have following us.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=169499&start=30</a>

LEGEND! Well said mate, Too many people becoming impatient and wanting success now. Real blues love all aspects of our club and the younger blues like myself look to learn from the guys who have "been there are done that" in the early years. I've been following city since birth and started going to Maine Road at the age of 5 but i could tell you what happened 40 years before that. People on here who aren't arsed about our history can "jog on", supporting a club is about all areas of the club, past present and future

Whats wrong with wanting success now ? i might get knocked over by bus next week or get mi head caved in off you lot at Burnley, its no good to me when im dead. Ive wanted success for 20 years its never happened but still dosent stop me wanting it. I wont top 4 this season that is success imo<br /><br />-- Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:50 am --<br /><br />
tolmie's hairdoo said:
allan harper said:
That fucking arsehole thinks cause hes got inside info on City hes untouchable, going on like hes the perfect City fan, he can kiss my fat one.

I go away for 24 hours and you are still moaning. Firstly, no football fans, or humans are perfect.

Secondly, you said our history was meaningless.

That's all, nothing more, nothing less. You admit you were in the wrong with your shitty comments, as was MCFCDave.

Now you are protesting too much. Life's too short to be getting heated over someone you don't know, or have never met.

The fact you are a blue, gives you more in common with me than the majority of people on this planet.

This forum is not about who listened more in English class, whose shit smells sweeter.

It's about sharing a common interest in supporting City, and on this occasion, your comments were not just unsupportive (as so many can be on here, including my own).

They were just wrong.

You are one of the few exceptions to the rule, no doubt, in your admission you have no family who brought you to City.

But for the majority, we were brought to it by family, dads, uncles, grandad's.

City's history is woven through family ties, so never discount it's relevance to people.

I won't be at Burnley tomorrow, you will.

Don't make you better than me, apllies both ways.

Im in a bad mood ive got a banging headache

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