City fans are back in love with Carlos Tevez

Still can't stand him, and I can't wait for the day the OS says he's left. Thanks for the help on our way to the top, but fuck off.
black mamba said:
He's banned from driving now too , so that's hardly likely to help his mood either ......

i've been keepin' a lookout for him on all the buses that have been coming down kingsway !

Spotted him get off the no. 50 & go to Godfather pizza...
As much as I had mixed feelings about the whole affair, I knew what a tit Mancini can be, and half blamed it on Mancini at the time.

He never really slagged off the club or the fans, if anything he appealed to them in interviews.

Whatever you say about the man, there aren't many of us that would go from that kind of public situation, come back, say you're sorry (even though it was tepid at best), and proceed to work your ass off for the manager and club that were months ago cursing your name behind closed doors.

You can say he did it for the money, and that was probably a big motivator, but you can't argue that the man loves the game and scoring goals more than your Samir Nasri, or Adam Johnson, etc.
I have forgiven his actions as Roberto Mancini was also to blame last seasons' problem, but I haven't forgotten what he has done. Still if he puts in a shift from now to the end of the season then it is all we can ask and a few goals will be a bonus.
Niall2407 said:
... no matter what he's done off the pitch, on the pitch he's simply amazing

When exactly was the last time he was 'simply amazing' on the pitch?

When he plays I hope he does well for the sake of the team but I'll never forgive the bloke for what he did. Personally I hope he's one of the players we get rid of this summer.
Lavinda Past said:
black mamba said:
LoveCity said:
Really hope the Monaco rumours are true as that might be the only way we can get his wages off the books + get a transfer fee before he walks for free in June 2014. Grateful for what Carlos has done for us but it could not be any clearer that he's past his best now and is probably only going to get worse (and will probably get very fat after 30).

Trouble is Tevez wants to return to Argentina when his contract's up , so is he likely to want to get himself tied into a possible lengthly contract with a club like Monaco .. or any other European club for that matter ???

It would appear that a return to Boca is what he's really after ... and the quicker the better if he has anything to do with it !

Do you really believe that?

I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. I reckon that's just a smokescreen, aimed at getting the sympathy vote from the fans.

He's a thick bastard with a greedy agent - He'll follow the money.

Wherever he's going to end up, I just wish he'd hurry up and stop blocking the wage bill.

They will do whatever is in Carlos's best interests. Same as Dick v Miffy goin' to The Swamp! Let's not get all tied up in the days of Mike Doyle and Alan Oakes. They are greedy bastards. If they score for us, I don't mind a bit of greed on their part!! But Carlos has little affinity with the fans other than a bunch at Wiiiiiiiiist Hiiiiiiiim!
Ray78 said:
I have forgiven his actions as Roberto Mancini was also to blame last seasons' problem, but I haven't forgotten what he has done. Still if he puts in a shift from now to the end of the season then it is all we can ask and a few goals will be a bonus.

Why would you blame Mancini? This has been gone over a million times before but Tevez didn't follow his Manager's instructions. I personally never thought I'd see him in a City shirt again but whilst he continues to wear one then I'll be supporting him. Anything else seems counterproductive.

However, I fully concede I won't be shedding any tears if he leaves in the summer.

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