City fans at Liverpool

bluebear said:
Dubai Blue said:
bluebear said:
If you read one of my other threads you will see why I said that, he refered to the IRA as a bunch of Irish Catholic cowards which I taught implied he disliked Irish people as a whole.
But they were "a bunch of Irish Catholic cowards". I don't think that implies anything other than what it says on the tin.

Anyway, this whole thread is pathetic. It's a completely pointless song and has fuck all to do with City. It's not offensive, but it is completely pointless and moronic.

But, the people suggesting that those singing it are all disgusting biggoted racists are equally moronic.

Its a loyalist terrosist song dubai blue, it was stated by the UDA,LVF and UVF and 99% of the people who sing it are biggoted racists
You've clearly done a census on it, so I'll bow to your superior scientifically-proven knowledge on the subject.

Or, of course, you could just be making wild sweeping assumptions.

And I'm not even gonna bother picking you up on the fact that, by definition, it can't possibly racist. Oops, I just did.

I'll stick to my earlier assertion that neither side has covered itself in glory throughout this thread.
bluebear said:
chrisi said:
bluebear are you irish?
you seem to be very offended!
ive never heard it being sung but why do u care so much if it was?
my best mates irish just so u know i am not 'racist'

yes i am, maybe im being a bit over the top, I think its just I have always seen this as a pro loyalist terrosist song, sang by people who really hate the Irish if you saw the people in the north of Ireland who sing it you would why i am offended, wheras I suppose everyone hear sees it as just a song about not liking the IRA. It just brings back bad memories I suppose.

they don't hate irish mate look at ireland dunne etc they love them!
think they just hate the IRA for what they did in the past
but your right it has nothin to do with city so why sing it...
They were not just singing no surrender, they were singing F#ck the pope, Anti Catholic, and Anti Irish. They are, and have always been, a bunch of Bigoted wankers. The Governers hated them for being sectarian and racist, and would not have anything to do them. It is the same bunch who think City are Pro Rangers, Pro Anti catholic, Pro Anti Irish, Pro ultra right wing. Why not sing No Surrender to the Rangers scum, for wrecking our City? I am glad we dont, cause most rangers fans were embarrassed by what happened. No surrender to the ira is a smokescreen for Bigots and Racists, and we ALL KNOW IT.
In the future if I here this SHITE, I am going to sing.
Ireland is Superman
Ireland is Superman
I hope all the TRUE CITY FANS will join in.
bluebear said:
chrisi said:
bluebear are you irish?
you seem to be very offended!
ive never heard it being sung but why do u care so much if it was?
my best mates irish just so u know i am not 'racist'

yes i am, maybe im being a bit over the top, I think its just I have always seen this as a pro loyalist terrosist song, sang by people who really hate the Irish if you saw the people in the north of Ireland who sing it you would why i am offended, wheras I suppose everyone hear sees it as just a song about not liking the IRA. It just brings back bad memories I suppose.

Just to balance things up, do you feel exactly the same way about all those Irish people who sing Irish rebel songs? Or is that okay because it is "part of their culture"? I've already stated on this thread why I have sung "No surrender" in the past and I feel perfectly justified in doing so on those occasions - but I don't see the point in singing it randomly every week whenever City play. I've also stated that I've been in numerous pubs and clubs in Ireland and whenever a rebel song has been played sometimes a good 90% or more of the people have happily joined in. Also, perhaps you can explain why at so many Irish weddings I've been to, they feel the need to play rebel songs? Perhaps you can also explain why in my home town of Manchester, we have to hear "Sinn Fein/IRA" chants almost every time The Fields of Athenry gets played. I wouldn't mind, but those chants aren't even part of the song but someone, somewhere, has felt the need to add them over time.

If you feel that 99% of those that have ever sung "No surrender" are loyalist racist bigots then by your twisted logic 99% that have ever sung a rebel song are republican racist bigots.
bluebear said:
cyberblue said:
Nreddishblue said:
Nothing wrong at all with singing No surrender to the IRA. They are murdering scum, pure and simple. Nothing against Catholicism per se', hundreds of thousands of loyal Irish Catholics fought and died for the British Empire.
But why sing it at a football game that is what i cant get my head round & dont forget we did surrender

It seems none of the pro 'no surrender' brigade will answer the million dollar question.

There's absolutely no need to sing it every week but IMO there was every justification in singing it at Carrow Road in April 1997, as I've already stated twice before on this thread.
blue_paul said:
I'm Irish and the people who listen to that rebel shite tend to be that way inclined. Of course, I can't speak for them all but they're just the carbon copy of ultra nationalist English types, embarrassing and stuck in the past.
There's plenty of great traditional Irish music that isn't about 'oooh aah up the ra', they're just as bad as the fucking idiots who sing neo nazi anthems at City, the stupid fucking thick *****.
Now, i feel better after getting that offf my chest!

PMSL! The explanantion I often hear from people who listen to their music is that it's all part of their culture and we shouldn't assume that those who are into the Wolfe Tones automatically hate the British. I tend to agree to an extent - I reckon it's just like the "No Surrender" lot - some of them but not all hate all things British. I can't say that they're all bigots because my ex had one of their videos of a concert they played in Kilburn - in fact when we split up she left a shed-load of videos at my house and it's still lurking around in the cupboard somewhere![/quote]

In fairness, I wasn't brought up in a family that was overtly nationalist, most people aren't and that's what some English people don't understand. Yes, people may have wanted a united Ireland and still do but until very recently, ireland was a very conservative country led by the church as much as any political party.
I know a lot of brits think that there's huge support for the provisional republican movement but that's simply not true. Gerry Adams once lost his seat in West belfast, that supposed hot bet of IRA support. Most just want to get on with their lives and shoot the f*cking bankers and politicians, the real enemy!![/quote]

Well there certainly isn't a huge amount of support for SF or RSF in the Irish Republic. AFAIK the most popular parties are Fianna Fail and Fine Gael aren't they? I've not been over for 2 or 3 years so I'm a bit out of touch with things over there, but I'd be surprised if SF or RSF had taken over from either of those in the popularity stakes.
chrisi said:
bluebear said:
chrisi said:
bluebear are you irish?
you seem to be very offended!
ive never heard it being sung but why do u care so much if it was?
my best mates irish just so u know i am not 'racist'

yes i am, maybe im being a bit over the top, I think its just I have always seen this as a pro loyalist terrosist song, sang by people who really hate the Irish if you saw the people in the north of Ireland who sing it you would why i am offended, wheras I suppose everyone hear sees it as just a song about not liking the IRA. It just brings back bad memories I suppose.

they don't hate irish mate look at ireland dunne etc they love them!
think they just hate the IRA for what they did in the past
but your right it has nothin to do with city so why sing it...

They sing it because they are Biggots, thick ignorant Biggots
those who take it upon themelves to sing 'no surrender' should either get a brain, go up to Glasgow and support the racist gers
or if they cant do that they should simply hang themselves
sad how they need to shout their mouths of with equally small minded people to give their sad lives some purpose
M18CTID said:
Just to balance things up, do you feel exactly the same way about all those Irish people who sing Irish rebel songs? Or is that okay because it is "part of their culture"? I've already stated on this thread why I have sung "No surrender" in the past and I feel perfectly justified in doing so on those occasions - but I don't see the point in singing it randomly every week whenever City play. I've also stated that I've been in numerous pubs and clubs in Ireland and whenever a rebel song has been played sometimes a good 90% or more of the people have happily joined in. Also, perhaps you can explain why at so many Irish weddings I've been to, they feel the need to play rebel songs? Perhaps you can also explain why in my home town of Manchester, we have to hear "Sinn Fein/IRA" chants almost every time The Fields of Athenry gets played. I wouldn't mind, but those chants aren't even part of the song but someone, somewhere, has felt the need to add them over time.

If you feel that 99% of those that have ever sung "No surrender" are loyalist racist bigots then by your twisted logic 99% that have ever sung a rebel song are republican racist bigots.

Where in your home town in Manchester do you hear these songs? The Irish Club in Chorlton, the 32 Club in Ardwick or the Fiddlers in Levenshulme. These are all IRISH clubs and pubs where you will hear these rebels songs. They are not sung in weatherspoons or the Waldorf, so why do you go to places that sing these songs if you dont like them?

At Eastlands, we are there to support City and not "other causes".
These Irish clubs they are full of real and "plastic Paddy's" who are are there to support Ireland and its history. You are not being forced enter these places under false pretences.
I dont attend BNP rallies or C18 meetings, so why should I listen to there "battle cry" while watching my beloved City.

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