City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

The traffic has become more of an issue since the increase in capacity, especially for midweek games (it shouldn’t take two hours to drive 18 miles to the ETIHAD for the Watford game).

After that experience I was always going to depart, once the result was safe.

However, as others have alluded there’s always been some people who want to leave early.

I always stay when the game’s in the balance, but it’s a myth that the fans who leave early are not proper supporters.
The traffic has become more of an issue since the increase in capacity, especially for midweek games (it shouldn’t take two hours to drive 18 miles to the ETIHAD for the Watford game).

After that experience I was always going to depart, once the result was safe.

However, as others have alluded there’s always been some people who want to leave early.

I always stay when the game’s in the balance, but it’s a myth that the fans who leave early are not proper supporters.

I always stay until the end but some people feel a bit superior imo by criticising others. There are many genuine and practical reasons why people leave before the end of the game.

Getting to Sale after the Everton, I didn't get into the house until 7.15pm - why I have absolutely no idea .
I'm in 115 down near the front and I mostly stay til the end and let the stadium quietly filter out around me, but on midweek games I tend to leave on 87-90 minutes.

If the games finishes at approx 9.45pm on a "school night" and I leave 3 minutes from the end I can get home by 1030pm if I'm not getting a lift. If I stay to the very end which is approximately 6-7 minutes later I get home for 1130pm due to the congestion getting out of the stadium, then no 216 buses, so I walk into town and catch the Metrolink from Piccadilly Gdns to St.Retford.

When I used to sit in the family stand I'd sometimes leave on 87mins to get on the tram - again the difference was a 10minute wait if I left on 87mins or a 50 minute wait if I left on the whistle. For those on other sides of the ground they have to leave even earlier to miss that rush. Most of the time, if I left on the final whistle I would just walk to town as it was less boring and was actually quicker than waiting in the Metorlink queue with a bunch of moaning so and so's.

It's a fact of life that just waiting those extra 7 minutes causes an hour of extra journey time - and I only live 4-5 miles away!

So, I guess the moral of my comment is - better transport planning is needed!

1. Have more buses ready - not just the 6-7 they have at the moment - after all, each bus only carries about 80 people so they are only shifting 5-600 people in total. By the time most "stayers" leave the ground all the buses are gone.

2. Get the trams stacked up at the Velodrome - each double tram can safely carry 400 people (more like 500 on a matchday) if they had 5-6 double trams stacked up on the Velo-Droylsden part of the line, coming in at 2-3 minute intervals, they could shift the initial 3000 punters in 12-18 minutes and be coordinated to start as soon as the final whistle blows. These trams could all be set to run to Cornbrook - allowing people to change at Piccadilly, Gardens, Gmex and Cornbrook for all other line.

3. Car parking - I shall let others dwell on that :)

Oh wait - why do I mostly stay to the end? Because I have paid my money, and you would rarely leave a film early unless it was dirge or predictable.
Are the people who go early actually getting home quicker than if they watched the whole game? I live in Flixton and am back within the hour. I stay to the end. I get held up in South Stand Level 3, walk to the roads behind Ashdon Old Road and drive from there. If I left at 80 minutes I don't think I'd be home much earlier but an hour if fine by me.
As an alternative stay a bit later. For one reason or another I have waited around 15 mins or so after the final whistle for the last few games before walking to my car. As a result it has been much quicker getting away and I seem to have arrived home (20 miles away) around the same time as if I would have left bang on the whistle and sat in traffic.
It usually takes me an hour maximum to get home and I never leave before the end. I can't see what all the fuss is about, just stay to the end.
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Hardly ever leave early ,once at Wembley 1999 and once in 2012 last home game of the season.
Generally I stay on just in case though

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