City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

We are the richest club in the world who by now must have enough sponsorship, corporate business, glass tunnel season ticket holders and those in the posh seats to be able to offer bread and butter fan's and younger fan's a cheaper deal. Aside from these areas there should be a ceiling of £35 tops for tickets, or cheaper. Bin off the family stand somewhere else or the top tier of the North stand where it used to be and the lower tier could be under 30's for £25 a game. Prices just can't keep on going up and up we don't have bottomless pockets to pay. Come on City we used to be the best club out there for the fan's, sack all these corporate idiots with their hype and spin, who call us customers and get some proper football people back in place and talk......and listen to the fan's again!
Fucking hell good going blue
It's where one of these things become invaluable!
The demographic that will make the most noise is the 20-somethings. At the moment you pay adult prices after you're 21. So either making prices cheaper across the board or extending discounted prices to people up to 25 (or even 29) would help.

While I agree about the age thing, how do you make sure that people of that age get those cheap tickets and it doesn't become just the same people buying them that buy them now but just paying less.
In a season how many games do we fill the family stand and there's no empty seats?
Its always the family stand that gets targeted isnt it ?
?have a look at ss3 thats always got empty seats in
Using the rags attendance figures released by GMP there is always approx 5000 empty seats in a 75'000 sell out ,so it would follow that there would be 3000 no shows in a crowd of 55,000 scattered across the stadium at the etihad
There was plenty before him and be plenty after him , get a grip .

Take a read of my post again. Didn't say anything about players that came before Zabba.

My point was that the way football is going now, we might never have a player who puts his body on the line for the team like him.

I saw a clip yesterday where he deliberately put his head in to clear the ball with the certainty of getting a kick in the face. Name another player who would do that?

In a world where players increasingly turn their backs on shots rather than get hit in the balls, we have had Zabba.

I'm sticking with my comment that we may never have a player like him again.

I'll keep my eye for you leaving at 80 minutes.
Jesus christ,why does anyone give a shit.Is this because of what some twat on twitter who's never been to a match might say.Maybe some should fill a seat against some of these lesser teams instead of reading what the feltip brigade are saying !
Take a read of my post again. Didn't say anything about players that came before Zabba.

My point was that the way football is going now, we might never have a player who puts his body on the line for the team like him.

I saw a clip yesterday where he deliberately put his head in to clear the ball with the certainty of getting a kick in the face. Name another player who would do that?

In a world where players increasingly turn their backs on shots rather than get hit in the balls, we have had Zabba.

I'm sticking with my comment that we may never have a player like him again.

I'll keep my eye for you leaving at 80 minutes.

You'll need a fkin good pair of binoculars, I'm working away in minhead and everywhere showing arsenal so I'll be staying in watching on my I pad... I'll turn it off at 80 min though if that makes you happy.

The incident you refer to, was that the cause of the iconic pictures you see of Zaba with his bandages by any chance ?

I agree he is a true warrior and will put his head in where angels dare to tread, I'd like to think we have a couple more in the current squad who would equity put there body's on the line, and I'd be very disappointed if we didn't recruited more of the same ilk in the future..

Enjoy Zabas fairwell, my mrs and son will sing one for me, but they will be leaving early I imadgin as it's a school night and won't be waiting around until 10.15 - 10.30 to give the players a wave ... then spending 45/60 minutes on the car park and getting home after 11.30 which after a wind down means bed after 12.
Any fairwells can be done in the 85 minutes for them. But you enjoy waving at the underachieving millionaires, sure it will make a huge difference to there lives ;/)
Have a good night blue
Jesus christ,why does anyone give a shit.Is this because of what some twat on twitter who's never been to a match might say.Maybe some should fill a seat against some of these lesser teams instead of reading what the feltip brigade are saying !

A good number then have the nerve to post on bluemoon. "it does not look good on the tele" well if your one of these just get a life.

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