City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

I leave during time added at the end of the game if we are cruising.

Watch far more of the game than the annoying twats who:
  • Come late
  • Bugger off 5 minutes before half time
  • Arrive back 5 minutes into the second half
  • Piss off with 10 minutes to go
A small addition to the list if I may. If people are going to leave early then fine, that's their choice. However, just effing leave instead of halting on every step on the way out to watch. It blocks the view of others, especially if you're wearing a ridiculous sodding bobble hat. Just get up and go.
I know this is about City fans leaving early but did you all see how many Arsenal fans had left early yesterday. They call us but fuck me when it gets a bit rough for Arsenal they are nowhere to be seen.
Utterly despicable sight to see in this so-called day n age when any sets leave in such fashion en masse in droves.

Horrible fad pioneered by United for all n sundry to witness at the Wembley semi n the six swan.
Utterly despicable sight to see in this so-called day n age when any sets leave in such fashion en masse in droves.

Horrible fad pioneered by United for all n sundry to witness at the Wembley semi n the six swan.
For me, as a fan, you can do what you want. If you want to leave, leave early but dont (Arsenal fans) have a go at City when they are far worse when the going gets a bit tough and they nearly all fuck off.
No. A supporter who has been going to the match religiously since the 1960’s. Has followed the team home, away and across Europe and was there in the darkest of our dark days. But now chooses to watch and enjoy the game in his own way and not how some self important super fan tells him to.
We're gonna need a new batch of superfan badges to post out mate which i'll sort out today.

I also think it would be useful if some of these superfans could get together and create an instruction manual on how to be a "proper supporter" - i'd find that so useful

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