City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

He left early once as a 15yo.
I guess that makes him a fan and not a supporter? If you leave early, you leave early. No reasons, excuses or mitigating circumstances excepted.
I used to go at that age, earlier than that but categorically it would never enter my head to leave early, at 15 years of age ? Strange one, but he learnt, he never did it again ;)
As a 15 year old you left early, can I ask why ?
I left with my mate as we thought the game was up and getting the 69 or 70 bus back to Frederick Road, Salford, wasn't a pleasant experience especially coming out of the Scoreboard end at that Shithole. Like I said, I learnt a harsh lesson.
Very considered and intelligent post this mate. Still makes me laugh how people try to make excuses for habitual leaving early though, when really it means they aren't real supporters but rather spectators

Hang on, the other fella says they’re supporters not fans. Or something. It’s a minefield, that’s what it is.
Is it time society shunned early leavers? Are they the strangest cult in modern times? Should we show more compassion? Is it an illness that creates an urge to get home for celebrity pointless? Is missing name an African country that begins with a letter between C and M question to much to bear?

I can categorically confirm that no one has ever left a match early to catch ‘Celebrity Pointless’.

Now, if you’d said ‘Pointless Celebrities’ that may be a different matter.
Fans are supposed to be more committed than supporters, the clue is in the name.
Let’s be honest, your average matchgoing blue falls into some or all of these boxes - middle aged and up; been supporting City since birth or childhood from a blue family or blue neighbourhood; started going regularly as soon as they had the money and the time; does something City-oriented most days; spent years watching the other half of Manchester celebrate.

When you have a fanbase of this kind it’s understandable why some of us will never be convinced you have to see every kick of every game to be a blue. That’s the way I’ve come to see it - even though I’m not one for early leaving myself.

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