City fans rushed by Spanish Police

BezzMCFC said:
Amsterdam will be worse

But you'll be all off your cake you won't give a shit, a couple of slaps round the head with a truncheon might bring you back to a bit of normality.
Not trying to make light of this but at 54 seconds a bloke charges over and grips a kid by his shoulder and bollocks him for confronting the police. Really funny.

I suspect nothing will come of this because those wanker coppers are going to claim they felt threatened. Truth is it appears to be normal fans angry at the way they've belted that bloke., and quite rightly.

Looks like Felix might have had earache for a day or two as well.
Re: Is this guy okay ?

Haven't heard anything but hope so, on a side note I love how cowardly the police are attacking the smaller/younger guys but didn't go anywhere near that beast in the champions top.
Re: Is this guy okay ?

Didn't see any of this whilst I was over there but why are people hanging around there when the police are on a mad one? Just drink up and move on to somewhere else, you can't reason with arseholes like that
I've watched England play in the Netherlands and the old bill were sound. Don't believe there'll be any problems there.
I was in the bar and witnessed the entirety of this incident.
Without any exaggeration, there was literally nothing untoward going on whatsoever. The only incidents that I noticed were a woman being thrown out of the bar which I think most people presumed was because she was pick pocketing and then a big tray of sandwiches on top of the bar was accidentally knocked off onto the floor behind the bar.
Other than that, there was barely even any singing let alone trouble. I was in there with two mates and none of us have ever been involved in football trouble in our lives.
Suddenly about 7 or 8 police, already wearing full riot gear with batons drawn arrived at the bar and started shouting in Spanish and gesturing for people to move away from the bar. It was unclear what they wanted but the next thing, one of them hit somebody across the head and he went down. I don't know if he'd done or said anything but there was no justification for physical violence against him. After that the cops were really psyched up and as soon as a bit of pushing and shoving went on as a result of City fans being up in arms about what they'd just witnessed, they waded in hitting anybody who looked remotely like they were challenging them. Apart from the idiot who threw a drink at them, I didn't see a single City fan aim or land a single blow on any of the coppers. Thankfully I was still inside and not directly threatened myself but the bar had massive windows and we could see everything that was going on.
The big guy in the video with blonde hair and a rucksack over his right shoulder later got a stick across the face and was bleeding really badly from huge splits in his cheek, nose and eyebrow. A sickening sight. He ended up leaning against the bar window with blood pouring from him and couldn't look up as it was filling his eyes. Again, I don't know if he provoked it but what could he have done to deserve to have his face smashed in like that ?
My mate, a bit foolishly began filming the incident and got a slap across the face, a punch in the stomach and finally the sharp end of a stick in the ribs. They also tried to break his phone but he managed to hold on to it.
Eventually we were all herded out of the bar and off to the stadium but everybody was really badly shaken up. There were kids, girls and old men involved as well and they were terrified.
I've travelled abroad with England a few times but I have to be honest and say that this was the worst, unprovoked attack I've ever seen. Those sticks they use are like iron bars, they are hard wood and really heavy. It would be like being hit with the heavy end of a pool cue.
Like other posters have said, other police such as the Germans show they are there but understand that they can be the cause of trouble, not the cure so keep in the background unless something serious happens.
I'll happily put my name to any letters or petitions that are going around.
I'd like to see one of those coppers take on one of the big guys in the video on a one on one basis. They wouldn't last 30 seconds.
Utter cowards.
The thing is Spanish police do this all the time to English tourists, I've seen it in Ibiza ad elsewhere, they know they can get away with it because they just say you are drunk and that's their excuse, most of them are jumped up young lads who know you've got fuck all chance of defending yourself, like others have said on here the shithouses wouldn't go one on one with you if they weren't tooled up and had their mated with them.

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