City & FFP | 2020/21 Accounts released | Revenues of £569.8m, £2.4m profit (p 2395)

All you see is Villa fans complaining about FFP on Twitter. Wolves fans are the same, as are plenty more clubs. More people are aware why FFP was created now. It’s not UEFA’s and the top clubs little secret anymore.

The italians can't stand it. Roma can't launch a title bid because every year they have to sell someone big to stay out of FFP trouble.
The new FFP plan won't have any effect on City. The money in the game will just transfer from the selling club to the incoming players wages. That seems pretty obvious to me.

I suppose some teams will no longer have the incentive to sell. But they still wont be able to get away with paying their players a fraction of the new market rate in wages. At least not for very long.
My only concern is that these constant attempts to halt our progress,could have shiek mansour deciding enoughs enough and prepare to sell up,god knows what goes on behind closed doors at meetings like the G14 or actual contact between say city and real or Barca all nicey nicely then when it’s over stabbing you in the back,I’m sure he’s frustrated I know we as fans are..
Samuel hit the nail on the head when he says that no matter what they think up to try to stop us, the people running our club are smarter
The new FFP plan won't have any effect on City. The money in the game will just transfer from the selling club to the incoming players wages. That seems pretty obvious to me.

I suppose some teams will no longer have the incentive to sell. But they still wont be able to get away with paying their players a fraction of the new market rate in wages. At least not for very long.

Good point. You would expect them to have considered that. Maybe thats FFP mark 3!
All you see is Villa fans complaining about FFP on Twitter. Wolves fans are the same, as are plenty more clubs. More people are aware why FFP was created now. It’s not UEFA’s and the top clubs little secret anymore.

It was the blindness of the clubs who voted for FFP when not existing members of the elite corps that will now bite them on the arse.

Shortsightedness of some chairmen and greed by the likes of Arsenal , Liverpool, United et al who voted in this pile of shite.

City and PSG becoming powerful will be causing the bent fuckers at UEFA nightmares .
My only concern is that these constant attempts to halt our progress,could have shiek mansour deciding enoughs enough and prepare to sell up,god knows what goes on behind closed doors at meetings like the G14 or actual contact between say city and real or Barca all nicey nicely then when it’s over stabbing you in the back,I’m sure he’s frustrated I know we as fans are..

No chance our owners would pack up because some desperate pricks don’t want us at their party. We’ve got past the most difficult stage of FFP, it should be a breeze from here.
Reminds me of a tweet I saw earlier:

We have Liverpool, United with Arsenal possibly joining them in splashing the cash this Jan so they can all shut the fuck up if we buy much needed cover at CB and DM.
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No chance our owners would pack up because some desperate pricks don’t want us at their party. We’ve got past the most difficult stage of FFP, it should be a breeze from here.
Yeah but these fuckers will just keep amending the rules to suit their needs,I couldn’t imagine being an owner and having these cnuts constantly thinking up ways to hamper us..

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