Sooner or later there’s goi g to be a massive lawsuit over collusion, monopoly and restraint of trade. Newcastle now have the money to make that happen!
Good luck to them!
If people think wealthy owners of the past didn’t inject their fortunes into clubs to make them successful, then the footballing world has Alzheimer’s and severe dementia! It was the British MODEL, ffs! Big man in town bought the club, sat in the box looking like the big man, and lorded himself and his pals around in their Crombies while smoking cigars! Same on the Continent!
It’s a cabal of the corrupt trying to keep the money for themselves, and their fear of losing their fast track to a fortune resulted in their Super League plans!
Now, UEFA is going to try to keep them happy IN HOUSE, by rigging the game against potential newcomers!
It’s blatant, it’s in your face, but they think they can hide behind the rules THEY created to protect THEM from YOU!