City & FFP | 2020/21 Accounts released | Revenues of £569.8m, £2.4m profit (p 2395)

Re: City & FFP (continued)

corky1970 said:
Ban-jani said:
corky1970 said:
Wasn't Ffp designed to prevent clubs going into debt and administration Aka Leeds, Portsmouth ?

Why are people losing sight of this ?
We are in no way associated with why Ffp was originally designed, we have bent over and taken it from Uefa , what the fuck is going on here ? As said in previous posts , our PR department and communication to the fans is a fucking shambles, we deserve support as much as the club you know.
Fans aren't here for fucking fun you know , we deserve to know what's going on, forget lawyer speak , forget politics, say it how it is

Come on city, grow some fucking balls

Don't be naive you cuntflapper.

If they let us know, then everyone in the world knows their approach.
What do you expect them to do, riddles on the back of season cards?

Shhhhh don't let the world know what we're doing

Oh hold on , it's on the OS that we've accepted a rimming ,sorry mate , I hate corruption and I seriously thought we'd be the ones that would expose these cunts, but it seems we've joined the party

We've been well and truly shafted but the media aren't queueing up to help us and City "buying trophies again" and "cheating the rules" sells. We have treated FFP as a confidential process that is was supposed to be (until the outcome was formally announced) but have been taken to the cleaners as posters have written.
Re: City & FFP (continued)

TrueBlue1705 said:
Neville Kneville said:
TrueBlue1705 said:
PLEASE, someone clarify, is there a homegrown quota in the 21 squad ?????

I recon nobody knows yet, including the MUEN.

Well - if the 8 homegrown number that keeps getting banded about is true then we're royally f*cked for the CL

No we're not. It would just mean that some of the overseas players will have a sulk on for the season but be fitter in the Prem. We will still have 13 plus Miner, Hart, Nastasic, Clichy & any young players we choose to involve. It just means we will have to use certain players in the Champs League & rest them more in the Prem. A bit more 'management'.
Re: City & FFP (continued)

Where the hell is this HOMEGROWN crap coming from...

What the hell has homegrown quota and its enforcement got to so with UEFA's FFP.

FFP is basically livinig within your means... what the f*ck has homegrown got to do with living within your means... you want us to promote some 17-18 yr old kids into a Champs League squad to face the likes of Real and Bayern? Luke Shaw is costing rags updwards of £20+M... He is f*cking homegrown but does not make any sense to have a quota on homegrown increased for UCL...

the homegrown increase cap is utter shite I think...

just added fuel to the fire that is the fine (in suspended money to us) and overall squad cap...

We are breaking even this year and I am certain Shk. Mansour and Soriano and our CCO will have some sersiouly big revenue generating deals coming through in the new season and beyond...
Re: City & FFP (continued)

Matty said:
hgblue said:
Blueband Brother said:
There is a lot of lawyer pretty talk way of disclosing information in the statement. My understading is as follows:

MCFC will lose 10m Euros of its share of income from UEFA for competing in the Champions League completion in season 2013-14. - 10 million

MCFC will lose 10m Euros of its share of income from UEFA for competing in the Champions League for season 2014-15 - 10 million

Rather than having an accumulative allowance of 30m Euros of losses over the next two reporting years(like all other clubs), MCFC will have specific stipulated allowances for 2013-14 and 2014-15 of 20m Euros and 10m Euros respectively. Significantly ,MCFC plans to be profitable in 2014-15 and in the years that follow.
- ---- 10million (for 2013-2014) and 20million (for 2014-2015)

Total Payment 2013-2015 50 million

My opinion is that this is a statement of concession under the guise of a so called compromise and mutual agreement. We are going to pay UEFA, the corrupt, disgusting, Don Fannucci esque bullies and schemers all those moneyzzzz , £50 million of them. Although the 30 million for allowances is subject to turn over in the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 seasons. So you may say that it is only £20 million but I think it is the £50 million and we are just sugar coating it.

I always say that perception is not everything but it is something in certain situations and in this case perception is absolutely key. The media, other fans and institutions will have the indolence and disregard born out of hatred for City to actually take this as face value. They will take this as Manchester City admitting that the have broken the rules and by doing so hunted down and made to pay and unfortunately, that is the reality of this agreement.

Some people say that in years time when we are winning trophies, this day will be naught but a slap on the wrist. I've got to tell you that I think different and I see things completely different. This is what is going to happen- 7 years from now, perhaps if another club is in our current situation, how will city be referred. They will say ,, ''7 years ago City broke the rules, cheated and had to submit, and accept their wrongs and pay their fines. If we can punish City when they broke the rules, we can certainly punish you''. That is what UEFA and media will be saying in years to come. They have got what they want, they have made us their little female dogs (insert one word equivalent) and this will be etched in the history books.

Compromise is nonsense. Perception and principle is much more important than anything else, even though the consequence may seem severe, even if we have to fight this out in the courts or banned (which was going to be difficult if the former action is taken), the only avenue to attain respect, to grasp redemption is to FIGHT THIS OUT!!!!, that was the only way. is not a good day for the club and I am not happy with this course of action by the club. If I am the only one that thinks this way then so be it.

This was the opportunity to fight and expose the greedy elitist cult of clubs but we seemed to have allowed UEFA to continue to reign supreme. I have said it many times in this forum that the scariest word, the word that makes me really worried and terrified is ''precedence''. I despise and dread that word as once the line is crossed there is no going back.

I will also say this again, we have done nothing wrong. You cannot penalize an institution for investment, you penalize and regulate for debt and Manchester City is a debt free instituition so FFP or other administrative code of ethics or rules does not and should not apply to the club.

You're not alone, and that is a cracking post mate.

Apart from when he's got his maths fundamentally wrong you mean?

Nothing is stopping you from actually reading my post and understanding it.
Re: City & FFP (continued)

Bodicoteblue said:
I suspect that the wording of the club's statement was very carefully thought out .
Judging by the language in it , it seems to me that certain things have been spelt out to uefa , in legal terms, and now we have , for the first time , a precedent set by both sides which will have future legal repercussions. If you like , we now have both sides positions in black and white , and future goal post moving will be much more difficult.
In the meantime , I hope we are throwing our entire support behind M. DuPont , because if he wins , then this entire argument will be moot.

We will know have it written in a legally binding document exactly what UEFA constitutes as fair value. For example, they haven't raiser an issue with the Etihad sponsorship so can't change their mind in the future. Everything will be water tight now and UEFA get look like billy big bollocks. Everyone wins because let's face it, £16,000,000 is fuck all.
Re: City & FFP (continued)

Rascal said:
I would love it as fans if we boycotted a CL home game next year.

Nobody there would hurt there product and I personally couldnt give two fucks about the corrupt pile of shite anyway
that will be like standing with uefa and sticking the boot into your own club,surely its a time to stick together,and support the club vocaly and en mass,i will be going to c/l matches,when they play their shitty anthem I will turn my back ,but when the match starts ,I will support the team like never before, its a time to stand up and be counted,hurting your ownclub wont help
Re: City & FFP (continued)

yamcha said:
TrueBlue1705 said:
PLEASE, someone clarify, is there a homegrown quota in the 21 squad ?????

yes there is. 8 home grown players, 4 of them must have come through the academy.

I'd reduce the squad for this season to 21 if I was the club. No player would be left out of the CL and we'd save on wages. And I'd focus only on two competitions. Let the EDS play in the capital one cup and fa cup.

This is the way I read it

Original rules: City can name 25 A-list players (players over 21), 8 of which must be homegrown.

City this last season didn't name a full 8 homegrown

New restrictions: City are limited to 21 A-list players

What's to stop us from simply excluding homegrown slots? If we've known about this restriction for weeks, why are we pursuing 3 foreign players?
Re: City & FFP (continued)

@BluePhil8 said:
When you look past the headline scare mongering and realise the punishment is a £16,000,000 fine and a €60,000,000 limit on transfers for this summer only, the rags and Arsenal should rightly shit their pants!

This time next summer we will have no more sanctions.

One marquee centre back and we will be ready to dominate the league again.

Arsene must be crying in to his baguette! "Monsieur Platini! Please! Don't let them take my Sagna away!" "HONHONHON Sorry Mr Arsene, I've pocketed my £16,000,000 so get le fucked!"

This was his one great hope of stopping us.

I love how we have systematically stated how each sanction won't harm us and called UEFA goal post moving liars.

You can call me a liar all day if you give me 60 million pounds. I'd be laughing my lying ass all the way to the bank.
Re: City & FFP (continued)

Sorry to piss on anyone's parade, but why are people still banging on about 8 homegrown and other
stuff pre the club statement.

The statement tells anyone who can read, all that has happened re fair play and why we failed it.

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