If you went out in town a lot in the period from about 1986 right through to about 1994 ish you couldn't help but be involved to some degree.
Everybody knew each other and who was who and we were all drinking in the same places. I remember being in the old Brannigans in the royal exchange, we had been at home and there was about twenty of us in there and United came in from Merseyside somewhere with about 20 and the place got absolutely trashed, nothing got said they knew we were city and vice versa, bottle on the head for me.
I've seen the same thing in Rosies, the crown on fountain street, Town hall tavern, Shambles Square, the conservatory, the cyprus tavern in fact too many places to mention, it would never happen again because of the cctv round town.
I was knocking around with the blues from Rusholme and a lot of the United that we used to run into time after time were Ancoats/Miles Platting based which was very awkward for me as I knew them all.
Very rarely got involved at the match, town was more than enough for me. Always amazed me that it made such little news in the M.E.N, I would see these big kick offs, lots of people getting hurt, glasses. bottles, pubs geting trashed etc and think 'This will be in the paper on Monday' but not a dickie bird. No doubt whatsoever the match had more of an edge in those days and I personally preferred that kind of atmosphere. Spare me the sanctomony by the way I'm really not arsed what anyone thinks, the question was asked.
Everybody knew each other and who was who and we were all drinking in the same places. I remember being in the old Brannigans in the royal exchange, we had been at home and there was about twenty of us in there and United came in from Merseyside somewhere with about 20 and the place got absolutely trashed, nothing got said they knew we were city and vice versa, bottle on the head for me.
I've seen the same thing in Rosies, the crown on fountain street, Town hall tavern, Shambles Square, the conservatory, the cyprus tavern in fact too many places to mention, it would never happen again because of the cctv round town.
I was knocking around with the blues from Rusholme and a lot of the United that we used to run into time after time were Ancoats/Miles Platting based which was very awkward for me as I knew them all.
Very rarely got involved at the match, town was more than enough for me. Always amazed me that it made such little news in the M.E.N, I would see these big kick offs, lots of people getting hurt, glasses. bottles, pubs geting trashed etc and think 'This will be in the paper on Monday' but not a dickie bird. No doubt whatsoever the match had more of an edge in those days and I personally preferred that kind of atmosphere. Spare me the sanctomony by the way I'm really not arsed what anyone thinks, the question was asked.