City Glory Hunters

It's already happening I live in Chester now having grown up in Burnage. Going to the Stoke home game couple of lads get on the train at warrington they see me and my lad sat at a table with our shirts on they sat down and said are you going? I replied yes and they said they had tickets first time ever and where was the ground???? how much was the shirt how much was the programme this went on for 30 mins till we got to Piccadilly. They admitted they had tried to get rag tickets in the past bin dipper tickets etc and had no luck. I was gonna change trains and get off at Ashburys but that game I walked down the gardens and jumped on the bus having told them to get the Ashburys train! Thats the type of fan I don't wanna see but got a feeling judging by one or two other posts on this thread it's started happening.
Fans are fans simple as that. The fact we could not fill our ground last season suggests to me we need some more fans. Or should they all have to come through the youth system.
I dont give a flying fuck if we end up attracting glory hunters, plastics etc as a result of any sucess we achieve. There's a hard core of us blues that have put up with 30 odd years that have severley tested our patience and loyalty - hopefully we're now destined for better things

If that's the price to be paid then so be it. Genuine City fans know who they are and god knows we're long overdue some payoff. I just want success at the club - end of story.
Glory supporters can never feel the same extremes of emotion that real fans who have been through the bad times can.
This could be the third or fourth time I've replied to this type of thread, and I'll do nothing more than repeat myself.

I've been a City fan since September 1980. I wish I could recall the day and date, but it was somewhere between September the 11th (first day at big school) and September the 30th (my dads birthday) that I passed from darkness into the light.

These latter years I find myself removed from Shaw into sub-tropical North Carolina; that is, now we are no longer a corner-shop operation, I can no longer be with you; typical City fan if you ask me :-)...and I love it: which brings me to the essence:

I don't care if we are increasingly "followed" by true glory hunters, id est, those that BUT FOR the Sheikh would have nothing to do with us. When we win the PL and the CL, my joy (and yours my brothers) will be proportional to my (your) suffering. No one can take your joy from you. True glory hunters had no share in suffering, they will have no share in true joy: any demonstration of joy by them will be valued at what it cost - nothing.

So fuck them, and God be with you all (y'all ;-))
Been a City fan for all of my life, only real fans get that feeling when watching em.
I really only fell in love with City a few years ago, but there was no club before that - just a love of the game and always rooting for the underdog in any match I watched (probably has something to do with how I started following mcfc). I will still be called a glory-hunter for the rest of my life and could give a flying fuck.
If you really care about gloryhunters etc. you need to take a look at your life. Supporting a sports team for longer than someone else is not an accomplishment or anything to get precious over. There are always going to be casual and less casual fans.
yeh we probs will get glory hunters which will be a sad thing really, but i no if we go back down to division 2 i will still follow the boys in blue I wish we still had maine road :( just watch this video i actually get a lump in my throat ;'(

I miss that special day running on the pitch with stuart pearce against preston. Being Mascot was amazing.
What is a glory a hunter? theres been a serious trend on here since the arabs took over to label anyone who isn't manchester born and bred and a season ticket holder a glory hunter or less of fan because of that. Unfortunately not all city fans are from manchester and shock/horror some aren't even from the UK!!! This doesn't mean their not city to the core and i think all the real blues out there will know eachother when that special day finally arrives......well be the ones sitting silently in the corner with a look of disbelieve on our faces as the rags all around us cry and moan about how its not fair and we bought the tittle etc. Let the glory hunters come i say it wont do the club any harm and at the end of the day the glory will still be that little bit sweeter for those who were here when jamie pollock scored his og and fowler missed that penalty and so on


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