City Glory Hunters

depps said:
What is a glory a hunter? theres been a serious trend on here since the arabs took over to label anyone who isn't manchester born and bred and a season ticket holder a glory hunter or less of fan because of that. Unfortunately not all city fans are from manchester and shock/horror some aren't even from the UK!!! This doesn't mean their not city to the core and i think all the real blues out there will know eachother when that special day finally arrives......well be the ones sitting silently in the corner with a look of disbelieve on our faces as the rags all around us cry and moan about how its not fair and we bought the tittle etc. Let the glory hunters come i say it wont do the club any harm and at the end of the day the glory will still be that little bit sweeter for those who were here when jamie pollock scored his og and fowler missed that penalty and so on

Ahhhhh that feels fookin nice thinkin about it
Glory hunters at City??????????

Come on guys, there are easier teams to follow than City.

We don't know what twists and turns our future holds, but one thing is certain in my mind at least. City will be City.

Somewhere there is a sting in the tail. How can I think otherwise?
There will be a great deal of resentment when they do eventually come a knocking, the one thing that has made us who we are for all these years is our identity...

I'll never forget what it was like when we were truly awful. I was walking down the street with my mum as a little nipper proudly wearing my City shirt, and a bloke walking past stopped myself and my mum. He let it be known he was a blue and made a big fuss of me, promised City would do me proud one day and that my loyalty would all be worth it.

I'll never forget that, it made me feel part of something, something incredibly special... a select few of tightly knit devoted football fans, who all held one thing in common - an immense love of Manchester City Football Club.

As an impressionable young lad the satisfaction I gained from that brief encounter has lasted a lifetime, and attitudes like those helped keep heads held high in the darkest days of our Club's history.

If we lose that precious identity, City will no longer be the club I fell in love with.

The fickle cretins who change their allegiance at the end of each season depending upon which Club's trophy haul is the largest will never, ever understand. They'll never be able to comprehend where I'm coming from, all that their presence will acheive is eroding the foundations that generations of die hard blues have helped to build.

Let there be new generations of blues... young, young and young alone - they will be the only ones exempt from criticism. Imagining the masses of older glory hunters (who have little or no reason to support us) at the ready makes me shiver to my bones, they're the ones who (IMO) are not welcome.

I hope we maintain our identity while shooting for the stars, otherwise it won't be worth it.
I think anyone should be allowed to support the club in whatever way they wish. If feeling a deep rooted emotional attachment is the way for you, then great. If you just fancy turning up 'cos we might win something, no problem with that either. Takes all sorts and we all pay the same money.

I'm one of the poor sods where City is woven into their life. I don't mind if the bloke sat next to me only started supporting last week. Why should I? Doesn't change the way I feel about City. I just want to see us bloody win something again and if that means I have to explain Joe Mercer, Colin Bell, 1999, Bananas - and now Pigehnio - to the new folks, I'm happy with it.
*singingtheblues* said:
I was walking down the street with my mum as a little nipper proudly wearing my City shirt, and a bloke walking past stopped myself and my mum. He let it be known he was a blue and made a big fuss of me, promised City would do me proud one day and that my loyalty would all be worth it.

He just wanted to slip her one.
Do we really want a prawn sandwich brigade following city i know i don't, But when we are successful that is the price we will have to pay ! oh well we can't have everything.
We'd have to win something first! Lets just get through the transfer window first ey
Why on earth would we attract glory hunters with that lot down the road and L'pool not too far either???
'Glory hunters' naturally follow teams that win things (the clue is in the name!) and with the greatest will in the world we're not there yet.

On a slightly related note, the reason we may attract young new Mancunian support is the pricing policy by the club. Season ticket prices at the swamp are considerably dearer and I think you habe to pay for cup tickets up front too. The value for money at City should be a deciding factor for some, especially in economically disadvantaged areas near the ground like Beswick or Ancoats where taking your kid to the swamp just isn't affordable.
depps said:
What is a glory a hunter?

Am I a Glory Supporter?

Dont come from Manchester. Started following City in the late 60's (so definitely a glory supporter then!) after being pursuaded to go by friends living in Manchester. Was a regular for most of the 70's and early 80's, a season ticket holder when I went to university in Salford. When I started working, got married and had a family the 70 mile round trips became less and less regular before becoming an armchair supporter in the 90's. Started going again when we moved to COMS and I was no longer working 60- 70 hour weeks. Was a season ticket holder for a couple of years but got fed up trekking across the M62 on wet Monday nights in winter to watch matches that were on the telly. Last year watched City in the flesh on 16 occasions.

I've bought a seasoncard for next season because I dont think it will be that easy to buy tickets on a match by match basis.

I think the extra fans will be people like me. The less regular fans, or people that followed City in the past and have either stopped going for a variety of reasons. Fans who normally go a few times a season but will go on a more regular basis. We dont claim to be City fanatics, but would resent being called glory supporters.

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