City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

The reporting of the APT case from the usual suspects, is as pathetic as it is predictable. Senior 'journalists' stooping to Liverpool Echo esque levels of delusion. They may as well title the articles 'Why City's ATP victories are good for the the Premier League' and be done with it.

Unfair. Unlawful. Unreasonable. It's in black and white in the findings, City are now entitled to damages.

Side note, but the same 'journalists' are also reporting that Premier League clubs with high levels of borrowing are now in danger of breaching Profitability and Sustainability Rules.... Some victory for the Premier league, lads.
The levels of intellectual dishonesty required to report this as anything other than a defeat for the PL are pathological.
I don’t think Talkshite would be reporting that Everton are one if the four all powerful and rich football clubs, threatening the future of English football
God that narrative is so fucking boring, we are so mired in the quaint idea of tradition and that everything was better before that any time there is the threat of change or movement in the established order of anything that their is widespread outcry in the msm and social media about how we are losing our way and it is threatening the very fabric of our being and you know what happens? Fuck all happens, things change, we adapt, sometimes they are better sometimes not and we all move on till the next percieved horror.
Just read an absolute whopper of an article from sky's Rob Harris about yesterday.

Absolutely nothing to do with what the outcome was.
It is a whopper as you say, just like him. I'm sure we'll see plenty more articles like this over the next few days as the ant City PR bandwagon revs up. It's a tad frustrating that the masses fall for it, but Harris and co know their audience. They can spin it how they want, but ultimately the victory is ours.
This just shows how the PL are either corrupt or void of any common sense. On shareholder loans they argued that it's not discriminatory to not apply interest for PSR because any club could undertake them! Really, every single club has shareholders that could hand over millions of pounds? Using that logic it's not discriminatory for Etihad to sponsor us for 1 billion a year because any club could undertake the same deal!
Apparently we're bribing everyone to sort this too. Strange we never similarly bribed the PL to not bring the charges in the first place and also bribe them to make the APT rules to our liking in Feb.
I can only assume that as we couldn't get our sponsorships over the line our brown envelope fund was exhausted.
Don't you dare talk logic and point out their nonsense.

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