City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

What happened to all the conspiracy claims that this was a pre-arranged dance with City giving the PL an easy public win, so that when we bribe them to clear us of the 115, they can use it to sae face and claim fairness?
Apparently we're bribing everyone to sort this too. Strange we never similarly bribed the PL to not bring the charges in the first place and also bribe them to make the APT rules to our liking in Feb.
I can only assume that as we couldn't get our sponsorships over the line our brown envelope fund was exhausted.
The reporting of the APT case from the usual suspects, is as pathetic as it is predictable. Senior 'journalists' stooping to Liverpool Echo esque levels of delusion. They may as well title the articles 'Why City's ATP victories are good for the the Premier League' and be done with it.

Unfair. Unlawful. Unreasonable. It's in black and white in the findings, City are now entitled to damages.

Side note, but the same 'journalists' are also reporting that Premier League clubs with high levels of borrowing are now in danger of breaching Profitability and Sustainability Rules.... Some victory for the Premier league, lads.
The term ‘useful idiot’ has been applied, as a derogatory term, across the political spectrum for years, often associated with Westerners doing the bidding of Russia.
It presumes that a person fights for a cause that they don’t fully understand, without realising that they are being continually manipulated by the leaders of a group.
Present day politics is littered with them sadly, but they can now officially welcome a new member to their ranks.
I give you: Richard Masters, hand picked by the management from Klanfield and Swampland. 3 others either turned the job down or were, more likely, vetoed by those 2 self appointed bastions of fair play, no doubt with the tacit support of other US owned clubs.
The fact that this has never been a story that journalists ever really ran with, essentially tells you all you need to know, in regards their priorities.

Of course, sadly for Masters, he’ll discover the extent of that loyalty when a sacrifice is needed…….

Our defeat was so bad the PL have called an emergency meeting to celebrate it...

One thing that made me chuckle in the judgment pdf was that after all the social media crap about our expensive lawyers the PL chose to ignore the advice of their own no doubt expensive KC and remove the word "evidently" from the clause relating to sponsorships being in excess of FMV, consequently making the amended APT rules in breach of competition law in the view of the panel.

This point was also recognised in the advice of Helen Davies KC: “The standard of ‘evidently in excess of FMV’ should ensure that it is only obviously abusive transactions that are prevented and thus that there is no unintended collateral adverse effect on competition.”

& only Martin Samuel has pressed on with the point why. Why would you ignore your own legal advice? Why would you make changes to the clause?

I’ll say it again, we’ve had so much unjustified innuendo thrown at us & yet they are getting the benefit of the doubt.
Whether they do or not I don't know. But there's a difference between a club's hierarchy and its fans. I've been getting dogs abuse on here (it's fine I'm thick skinned and I'm on a Man City forum after all so it's a case of Alice isn't in Kansas any more) but I'm not a representative of Arsenal Football Club I'm just a fan and have been my whole life so I think it would be cool if people could make that distinction. Making things personal isn't cool.
There’s an easy solution to this but I think you like the attention a little to much to simply fuck off to an Arsenal podcast where you would be just another fan, which is unfortunate for us as we have to endure your never ending sly digs.
Look up Arsenal’s history & the definition of the word “hypocrisy” and digest. Then reference Kladoon’s “people in glass houses” statement
Your lot messed with the wrong crowd fella! You’re fucked you just don’t know it yet!

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