City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

You’re right in everything you say , what is worrying going back to football , it’s every man and his dog who are on City’s back , they can’t all support the red shithouse clubs can they ? What the fuck is wrong with Masters for example ? What is actually wrong with the bloke ? He’s a multi millionaire in his own right ? We’ve brought the best footballing side to his league that this county has ever seen , him and his shills in the press blatantly ignore all of the good things about this football club , the best academy in the country by a distance , employing hundreds of local people from an impoverished part of Manchester, and they’d gladly want us to go out of existence , I just don’t get why they actually want it , that’s the saddest thing of all for me , what the fuck is wrong with these people ? All because this club wins trophies playing beautiful football? We got took over 16 years ago and you’d think it was only a couple of years ago that it happened. I sincerely hope Pep signs a new three year deal as he gets this club and its fans and wipes the fucking floor with the red cartel.
Simply put the cryarsing scousers and the utd mardarses cannot handle the fact they aren't top dog anymore and masters has had his pants pulled down by the pair of them and has pulled strings and swept things under the carpet to appease them and in the meantime has dropped a ton of bullshit on our doorstep and tried to ruin us.
BBC Head still failing to lead the story regarding the catastrophic failing of the PL. But not a bad article publicising our letter sent to every PL club emphasising our victory and how unlawful the PL are and calling out Masters. BBC can’t resist a few bitter inputs but on balance the article is a damming of the PL even though it is reported as in the words of ourselves and not their own editorial opinion
But the story still does not mention the Judges’ verdict. It includes a phrase that says City had some complaints upheld including two aspects of APT rules which were found to be unlawful. No mention of the seven allegations upheld and spelt out in stark terms by the Judges themselves. Just more dishonest coverage from Roan.
Too fucking late- the red cartel are the ones who should've been careful. Don't fuck with Sheikh Mansour and Khaldoon you bent bastards

Why do we need to be careful?
Yet again the media turning it back on us.
Masters needed to be careful but somebody handed him a live grenade and he shut his eyes and threw it in our direction.

We need to be careful?

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The very idea of "winning" in a case like this is a little bit bonkers.
FIFA claimed a "win" the other day about the Diarra case too. Everybody always claims a win all the time. Ultimately there is no winner and loser, theres just some rules to be tweaked and everything carries on as usual.

If people can't accept that winning and losing don't really exist in a case against the PL then they're going to be very annoyed when the 115 judgement comes out. Nobody will win that either, despite both sides claiming that they did.

We are a shareholder of the PL. There is no us and them, there is just us.

This. People are so polarised that they have to believe it's a zero sum game.

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