City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

Now football365 have decide to put their spin on it. Absolutely disgusting article and no surprise about who the author supports and his loyalties lie on the matter.

They tide has turned amongst PL fans and football fans.

Comment after comment about Masters and the corrupt red cartel destroying the PL.

Apart from the 3 red shirt fans, all other PL fans now know who the real corrupt, cheats are.
Have a glance at Villa Talk mate. A few thick as fuck Villa fans siding with the PL and Red Cartel clubs and claiming that it’s City who are corrupt! Obviously only a small snapshot and I’ve seen Villa fans elsewhere back us.
Now football365 have decide to put their spin on it. Absolutely disgusting article and no surprise about who the author supports and his loyalties lie on the matter.

That's their mailbox, so it's what people have wrote in
Not bad, The Athletic seem to be getting better again which is good.

Two points, though:

First, sports journalists need to get away from the simplistic "who won" arguments. You can't score legal judgments like a football match. If they really want a football analogy, they should look at Arsenal's performance at the Etihad last year. They defended almost everything pretty well, City threw everything at them, they couldn't lose the game and they didn't. Defensive master-class maybe, but they lost the league as a result (the analogy would work better if both sides scored a couple of goals as well, but whatever ...)

Second, an important point they are missing about the 115 is the relative importance of direct witness testimony over circumstantial, out of context evidence. We have the perfect example in this case. There is an email from a Brighton executive days after the Newcastle takeover saying the PL has to respond by banning related party transactions until they can put rules in place to stop clubs from Gulf states. It clearly leads to an implication that the introduction of the APT rules was based on a principle of discrimination. Yet, this same executive said in front of the tribunal that it wasn't meant to be discriminatory, the reference to Gulf states was just a front of mind reference and the intention of the email was that the rules should be applied equally and fairly to all clubs. And they believed him! The point being that the out of context email was disbelieved, and the witness statement was believed. If ever there was a clear indication of how the 115 is likely to go, that is it.

I missed the bit that it was a Brighton exec but I did know that Paul Barber CEO previously worked at Spurs reporting to Daniel Levy.

Masters about to be thrown under a bus by the very people that vetted and approved him for the role. He didn't represent their interests sufficiently it would seem.

I trust City are ready to act and point out that this kind of system of governance is the real reason why there is a divide and unfairness in our league, as demonstrated perfectly in real-time by the events that are about to take place.
I wonder. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up but if he is about to receive a bullet, could that be a pre-cursor to them dropping the 115. It would offer them an off-ramp with the opportunity to pin the blame on Masters. If not, the PL would need to double down on the charges, in which case they would need to be pretty certain of a result.
Now football365 have decide to put their spin on it. Absolutely disgusting article and no surprise about who the author supports and his loyalties lie on the matter.

‘The panel concluded that City have the right to seek damages’ yeah not going well for us is it…
I missed the bit that it was a Brighton exec but I did know that Paul Barber CEO previously worked at Spurs reporting to Daniel Levy.

The only witness that was called by the PL to the hearing was the one who wrote the Gulf states email in 2021 (to explain he didn't really mean it), and the only football club individual named in the list of witnesses attending for the PL was (name redacted) from BHAFC.
Now football365 have decide to put their spin on it. Absolutely disgusting article and no surprise about who the author supports and his loyalties lie on the matter.

Who the fuck writes this shit

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