City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

This is a legal action and the arbitration will be heard by a judge who will hold them to the same laws as any british business which is entirely citys case to be fair that the pl rules do not comply with anti competition law in the uk
It's a section X arbitration under the PL rules which is as close to a CAS arbitration you will get under the rules. So the PL chooses an arbitrator, the club chooses an arbitrator and the chair is chosen by those two.

These are quite different claims. The top one makes more sense, but does anyone know where/how this will be heard?
Whatever the outcome of this and the November hearing the game that we fell in love with has been taken over by the greed of the old cartel.

The great unwashed are claiming that City are trying to run away with the league and make it uncompetitive. Lets not forget that there have been 31 seasons of the prem and united have won 13 of them, that's 41% to just one club. 51 teams have played in the prem since its inception and 7 have won it, that's 13%. It has never been competitive in the sense that a small few always win it.

Now that we are involved in this 'small few' this is no longer acceptable and the good of the game is at stake. The xenophobia on display portrayed as righteousness is sickening and I back the club all the way in fighting what is clear and orchestrated targeting of a club that simply doesn't have the right name and play in the right colours.
City are absolutely right about the voting rules here and there is a block of American owners within the league who will vote in their interests. How can 12 of 20 teams be a unanimous vote to push through legislation that will be more advantageous to others, I thought this back in February when this initial story was knocking around.
You've got me doubting myself now, I could have sworn they said Cross from The Sun but perhaps you're right.

Edit: yes, I just rewound and it is John Cross from The Mirror, not The Sun.
...also writes for Daily (Sunday) Express, Daily Star (Sunday) and The People, as all owned by one company now
Maybe though the club are perhaps running out of patience with authorities which change the rules repeatedly in what the club might see increasingly as clear attempts to discriminate against it.
I think that this could well be the case. It's far from a given that we'll win this particular case, but it might act as a shot across the PL's bows that they can't keep introducing new rules aimed specifically at restricting us.
Well its being reported on ssn this morning by 2 tabloid pundits (one was winter, the other i think they said his name was cross?)

It was the latter i only caught saying everyone needs to stand against city for good of the game

Funny isn't it but City are fighting to save the game from the Americans
City really needed to make an official statement, or at least brief their side to a friendly journalist, to counteract some of the nonsense like this that we’re going to see in the coming days.

I've tried to look back at previous voting on new PL rules but it's hard to find exactly who has voted for/against/abstained on the 2021 regulations we're challenging. Interestingly, when it came to the specific rules regarding Newcastle's ownership and sponsorship we abstained citing that it was unlawful - so this has been building for some time and long before the 115 charges were brought against us. So I think any panic about this being a "last gasp" attempt to change something in that case is completely misplaced. This is entirely separate and something we've spent a long time building towards.

As it's an ongoing legal action, we are unlikely to make a comment. This has been leaked and the PL haven't made an official comment either.

We don't seem particularly concerned by external noise, we will do our battles where it matters.
Pretty sure for this stuff PR will be controlled by Soriano and clubs legal team.
The buck will stop with Soriano but PR is nothing to do with legalities. It's part of marketing. We should have hired a top dollar PR firm to get out there and clean our image. It's what celebrities do when they are caught in scandals. Cost them millions but pays for itself.

If we aren't doing that then somebody needs to opent heir mouth and put our case out there. It's being reported that we just want to sign short deals for exhorbitant amounts.

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