City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

Sly Sports News told to get the unity message out to the Red Shirt Cartel fans.

Just total propaganda by SKY. They can't be trusted on this story at all because of their close personal and commercial relationships with the PL and Richard Masters. One thing this legal battle has exposed is how interlinked all these bodies are with each other.
I am still rather confused. Part of the 115 charges brought against City appear to be that the club has tried to disguise owner investment as sponsorship . Now it appears that some owners of some clubs have made sizeable loans free of interest to their clubs. There seems to be no time limit on these loans and no deadline by which they must be repaid. The most notable beneficiaries of such loans were Chelsea which received £1.5 billion from their owner, never paid a penny in interest and were told in the end that their owner didn't want a penny back. I know no shares changed hands, but I'm perplexed as to whether this practice should be described as an APT at (much) less than FMV, disguised owner investment or as a classic example of that heinous practice, financial doping. Any suggestions, gooners, seeing as your club has real expertise in this area of football finance?
As I understand it, loans from owners wouldn't count as revenue, so they wouldn't directly affect what you could actually spend on players or wages for the purposes of PSR. Where it's an advantage is in things like capital investment compared to clubs that had to get commercial loans, for example. A club that borrows £500m from a bank to build a stadium would be saddled with repayments and interest for years, meaning that they couldn't spend as much on their squad as a club who got the same money from their owner who allowed them to not bother repaying indefinitely.

In a sense, it's not really any different to owners actually being allowed (as ours has) to pump money into the club for things other than the playing squad (youth, infrastructure, women's football, etc). But if the goal is sustainability, as they claim, then it's definitely a positive move to make sure that owners who want to invest in their club are actually investing in their club, rather than 'investing' in a way that makes sure the club is permanently and legally in huge debt to them personally.
It’s a bit worrying how The Premier League, having been told by an independent panel that they behaved unlawfully and abused their position of power, seem to think they can just keep the old rules with a few tweaks here and there and are actually being supported by UK media outlets. It’s like nobody has actually taken in the panels findings and once again The Premier League, in plain sight, is willing to their position of power and try to carry on regardless.
It’s reeks of bully boy tactics by the lot of them.
Clearly you don't.

Just because we have some of the richest owners in the World, with strong links to a nation state, that can afford to plan decades in advance, doesn't mean we should have no rules. Very few club owners would be able to, or could be trusted to, act like ours.
Maybe but at the moment the regulations attempt to stifle owners who wish to build up strong, stable clubs while doing nothing whatsoever about owners such as the Glazers. Are you defending the present regulations, sizeable parts of which are unlawful and which do create a world in which the Glazers, but not their club, can prosper?
Fuck me. The audacity to claim City are bullies after relentless attacks is mind blowing.
City have been bullied relentlessly for 10 years. We have tried to be friends with them, we have tried to take a beating as long as it doesn’t happen again, we have tried being silent.

After 10 years we throw one punch and it lands.

The bully stops then cries then runs home shouting that a bully has hit him.

Advice to bully…if you can’t take it then don’t dish it out. Come back with your mates because City, finally, have had enough.
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Our model is better for football, and for Manchester, as well as good for the Sheikh, but let’s not pretend the Glasers haven’t made a mint for themselves.

The irony is the one that benefits football is the one in the PL dock.
Just look at all the talent we churn out, England benefitting from it too.
Just read Delaney’s piece. Surprised to find that the PL’s resounding victory has caused such lamenting and rendering of garments but hey ho, such is life.

I swear if (not tempting fate) we succeed in the 115 case I’m going to hire a skip full of popcorn, crack open a case of red and spend a week or so watching the bodies of our enemies float by.

Delaney is just a **** who cannot be helped with his ramblings.

Clearly camped in the ABC group, the only way his articles attract any interest is if he continues in the vein of portraying City in a bad light.

Not sure how this pathetic excuse for a journalist gets exposure .

He is no doubt a shill for the redshirt mardarses due to his lack of fibre or integrity.

In fact he is a replica of Masters although no doubt is paid considerably less - thankfully.

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