Pep has broken the PL. I really mean that. This is all a result of our extraordinary success. Our extraordinary success isnt dependant upon money but thats what everyone thinks because thats what the media say. This success we are having right now is down to Pep and him having free reign over how to manage a club with a good board backing him.
In their fear that our success is just because of money they have ; given an advantage to other leagues by throttling the PL. Tarnished the PL brand. Created a monumental mess of FFP/PSR rules. Created a schism in the PL, brought politics into the whole affair.
I hope we take them to the cleaners but it is sounding a bit difficult to prove our case on this one and I suspect we will lose. But it is a shot across the bows I reckon, not only taking them to court but seeking damages! wow. I just hope it doesnt influence our case for the charges.