City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

You know what, I was lay here in the night, aching knee doing my brains in, and as usual on bluemoon to pass the time, and it started me thinking.

Why do so many clubs align themselves with the red cartel? Now, obviously before people jump in with the usual responses, take a minute and think. If you class it as taking our side or theirs, any club who sits on the red side is effectively accepting mediocrity for ever. Just be an also ran, be happy to stay in the Prem, no aspiration whatsoever that at some point there may be that crack in the door, an investor who wants to pump some money in and take the club to greater heights etc. What a fucking weird mentality. Surely these clubs top brass can see the wood from the trees, that the red cartel don’t give a fuck about any of them, they just want them to know their place, do your best and be a feeder club for us when we want to plunder your best talents.

Why not align with us? I’ve enjoyed the last 15 or so years so much, been a blue for 53 years, seen everything you could ever wish to see, I’d have no problem whatsoever to see another club rise like a phoenix and have their time in the sun.

Anyway, that’s my musings on this Saturday morning, I’ll get back to feeling sorry for myself and wanting to saw my leg off, lol.
People who know directors of football clubs rarely report that they are imaginative, dynamic go getters. Most of them couldn’t lead a charge on the old order to save their life. Take Wyness as your standard. See?
In contrast we are lucky to have some serious directors and I note we recently added the guy from Silver Lake to our board. Khaldoon makes the average chairman look very ordinary.
Agree, its coming.

Just look at all these wank internationals this week, clubs being paid less than what they earn by playing.Plus potential damage to loaned but expensive assets.

Super League just need to announce a low cap on match ticket prices and fair distribution of funds down the leagues next time.
The PL can be the Super just needs completely reforming and refitting from top to bottom.

The opportunity for this to happen has arrived and its not too late.

The ESL by the backdoor is already here in the guise of the expanded CL.

Is that what fans really want ??
You know what, I was lay here in the night, aching knee doing my brains in, and as usual on bluemoon to pass the time, and it started me thinking.

Why do so many clubs align themselves with the red cartel? Now, obviously before people jump in with the usual responses, take a minute and think. If you class it as taking our side or theirs, any club who sits on the red side is effectively accepting mediocrity for ever. Just be an also ran, be happy to stay in the Prem, no aspiration whatsoever that at some point there may be that crack in the door, an investor who wants to pump some money in and take the club to greater heights etc. What a fucking weird mentality. Surely these clubs top brass can see the wood from the trees, that the red cartel don’t give a fuck about any of them, they just want them to know their place, do your best and be a feeder club for us when we want to plunder your best talents.

Why not align with us? I’ve enjoyed the last 15 or so years so much, been a blue for 53 years, seen everything you could ever wish to see, I’d have no problem whatsoever to see another club rise like a phoenix and have their time in the sun.

Anyway, that’s my musings on this Saturday morning, I’ll get back to feeling sorry for myself and wanting to saw my leg off, lol.

Possibly it’s about conservative investment. It’s why most people will look for 5% over reckless ambition.
The Times had a rethink once Martin Samuel joined them. He has obviously persuaded Lawton and others to be more sceptical of the PL.
Up till then, arses like Ziegler held sway, but his star has waned.
Henry Winter now sells burgers.
I think Ziegler changed his views after the CAS decision. The Times were fed an essentially false story that City had lost and were facing Draconian punishment just before the CAS ruling. They, along with others, ran the story. It came from one of the leakers who put stuff out from the UEFA IC probably to put pressure on City to settle. As we now know the press were duped and City were cleared because UEFA had no evidence. The Times reporting since then has been much more balanced. Samuel joining would also have helped.
I might be a bit thick but when we have a tradesman do a job I ask for a cash price he keeps it all we don't get a receipt,
Why if we were doing anything underhand with Mancini was it anywhere near the books surly it would have been a bag of cash from an unknown source?
In the day I worked in HMRC or Inland Revenue as was till much later in my career

For a while I worked in PAYE audit . Football clubs in particular were always ripe for a settlement once you did an inspection bear in mind there were clear directions about what could be paid free of tax such as mileage to a limit and what types of payments and to what amount was taxable. There were also negotiations between football and the authorities in respect of say non contract players ( who were in theory only playing for the love of the game) and could only be paid incurred mileage and so on. Clubs simply ignored the majority of these and just paid whatever sum they wanted more often than not knowing the rules but it was a gamble on the clubs part and players / managers all had their snouts deep into the trough and there really was a wall of silence when it came to them

I then worked in investigations into both Corporate and non corporate entities.

When it came to PAYE the vast bulk of settlements came about because transactions were actually recorded there was one instance where we went to quite a sizeable employer( not an FC) and we found zilch.

The MD and senior execs deliberately absented themselves and on the last day as a throw away comment the senior auditor said to the young clerk who was there to “ look after” this set of ledgers is fine can we see the others . She promptly trundled off and delivered to us another set which dealt with hidden cash only transactions this led to a sizeable settlement.

The tradesman you talk about and indeed most tradesman have always had cash for say the odd job or again in the day when plumbers trucked up at a scrap metal merchants with a load of copper or lead recycled from their day to day activities.

To a degree we knew we couldn’t really prove much if if these off the book jobs were occasional and insignificant but some tradesman pushed it way too far and their lifestyle simply couldn’t be supported from their declared income.

One of my favourites was during interview to ask about holidays, bear in mind that we would by then have sight of bank accounts or indeed credit card statements.The number of times that the individual would say no can’t afford holidays yet as plain as day there were flight costs, hotel costs, airport car park cost, etc shown on credit cards.

My point is that any decent investigation will not be just looking at the books , which may tell something but when you get to follow the money it’s incredibly easy to track it back to source because those that benefit, and it’s not usually the clubs, are the employees as it’s always ( well nearly always) the employer that is accountable both legally and financially for these non compliant transactions
I can't imagine the British government is best pleased with the prospect of Sheikh Mansour and Khaldoon being labelled fraudsters....




If you look up there you will see that our roof is not leaking.
Imagine being Roan*

A shallow, discredited, bought and paid for, biased, shameless, casual racist masquerading as an independent public service reporter?
twisting & turning to spew lies, half truths and misinformation.

Just imagine what kind of sick individual chooses to do that every day in public in the knowledge that most of the viewers hold to the description above.

The BBC is a very very sick place.....cancel your licence NOW....its legal !!

BTW....if you'd like to say 'hello' to Roan and his cock roach mates on matchday, they often park at the CFA and walk across to the media entrance to the right hand side of CB reception.

*Applies to many other media turds.
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