City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

How long has Ingo Bank been CFO - anybody know anything about him
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So the CORRUPT Premier League management have finally admitted that they can't just tweak their UNLAWFUL, UNFAIR, DISCRIMINATORY regulations in a few days to serve their CORRUPT, self serving red cartel puppeteers.

More popcorn...and make it a large, refillable drink please...
You know what, I was lay here in the night, aching knee doing my brains in, and as usual on bluemoon to pass the time, and it started me thinking.

Why do so many clubs align themselves with the red cartel? Now, obviously before people jump in with the usual responses, take a minute and think. If you class it as taking our side or theirs, any club who sits on the red side is effectively accepting mediocrity for ever. Just be an also ran, be happy to stay in the Prem, no aspiration whatsoever that at some point there may be that crack in the door, an investor who wants to pump some money in and take the club to greater heights etc. What a fucking weird mentality. Surely these clubs top brass can see the wood from the trees, that the red cartel don’t give a fuck about any of them, they just want them to know their place, do your best and be a feeder club for us when we want to plunder your best talents.

Why not align with us? I’ve enjoyed the last 15 or so years so much, been a blue for 53 years, seen everything you could ever wish to see, I’d have no problem whatsoever to see another club rise like a phoenix and have their time in the sun.

Anyway, that’s my musings on this Saturday morning, I’ll get back to feeling sorry for myself and wanting to saw my leg off, lol.
Great post
As for the knee CBS cream three times a day
They like to champion their BBC Verify department on their mainstream news output. They want to start looking closer to home at factually incorrect propaganda by the guy at the top of their sports reporting and the underlying conflict of interest of why he’s doing it.

To be fair they are astute at ignoring uncomfortable elements within.

The number of nonces , perverts and abusers within, exposed or not yet outed, testify to that .

Dan Roan and Simon Stone , whilst possibly fitting into one of the above classifications, certainly stand out as shameless and pathetic arselickers and shills.

More public funding being criminally wasted by the national treasure .
It's clear City briefed Samuel at least, maybe even in advance of publication. No-one is sticking their neck out and saying APT and even PSR are in big trouble unless they are convinced. And he came out with it soon after publication when most lawyers were looking at the cold, hard judgment without properly considering strategy imho. And he took some stick for it, on here as well.
keep up Martin Samual and his son are paid employees
Pathetic mentality though, isn’t it.

It is pathetic. My son supports Derby County and I'm glad to say he doesn't share that mentality. Why should he? Always aspire to be the best. As in Everton's motto, Nil Satis Nisi Optimum...

I know a few Forest and Everton fans who are wise to all this. They've seen great success in our lifetimes and why shouldn't they aspire to the same.

I hope Leicester's fickle fans and others feel the same way and have seen through the corrupt Premier League and its corrupt red cartel but tòo many don't.
I think whatever rules and regulations they conme up with will always be pushed and challenged by money. It's a fact of life that money attracts money and that won't ever change. The 'oil states' aren't investing for fun. Trying to artificially level the playing field is a minefield. A part of me thinks that owners should be able to invest what ever they like but NOT cover themselves by making that investment a 'loan'. Debt is the other area where I think regulations/rules should be in place . Look at the trick the Glazers have pulled off at Untied using everyone's money but their own...
The club didn't vote for it. It voted in favour of a list of recommendations to be further discussed and finalised, but voted against the actual proposed rules when they were finally presented, reserving the right to challenge them for legality.

Well, we did. We were part of the FCAG and didn’t challenge that particular recommendation at the time, we voted for the set to be included. We then subsequently voted against the implementation of the full set of APT rules.

Like I said, if we did that knowing that particular recommendation was the most likely aspect to be considered unlawful, that’s some proper 3d chess going on by voting to include it.

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