City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

"Laddish" is a weird adjective to use though, if applied to either Roan or Stone. Neither is laddish, or manly in the way they look or sound - despite Roan's beard.
"Cuntish" is more suitable.
Cuntish is a beautiful word and should, no doubt, have a higher prominence in the English language. However, your use of that word, in this particular context is, unfortunately, inaccurate.
The suffix ‘ish’ is used when describing a quality or, indeed, a flaw, that approximates to that description but may involve, some redeeming qualities.
The 2 aforementioned are, undoubtedly, cunts of the first order, therefore the ‘ish’ is rendered unnecessary. ;-)
I don’t believe it’s that simple, editorial stance doesn’t change with evidence of rights or wrong it goes above that. Something has happened between City & the Times & Daily Mail to change the editorial stance.
I cannot see the Mail has changed it's stance especially when you read Herberts diatribe in today's mail
City's explanation over Mancini's contract can be summed up by Mark Hughes... New brush sweeps clean.

Hughes was a Sinawatra appointment, & when Moureen replaced Mancini at Inter, City probably wanted to show their commitment & keep Roberto on a retainer with a view to him replacing Hughes.

This is probably why Hughes' departure & Bobby's arrival was so swift & clinical. There's nothing illegal with Mancini continuing with his consultancy role, after taking up the role of Manchester City Manager.

IIRC, Mancini was on a £6m per year basic before bonuses, so in terms of his wage & City's turnover, the £1.7 per year consultancy contract he signed prior to his arrival, is small change in the big scheme of things.

UEFA & the PL are STILL throwing everything at City in the hope some of the shit will stick. It now seems that City have had enough & donned the knuckle-dusters & bovver boots & declared all out war on the cartel, & not before time too!
It'd be ace if Bobby was called and did the hand talking gesture to the panel.
People who know directors of football clubs rarely report that they are imaginative, dynamic go getters. Most of them couldn’t lead a charge on the old order to save their life. Take Wyness as your standard. See?
In contrast we are lucky to have some serious directors and I note we recently added the guy from Silver Lake to our board. Khaldoon makes the average chairman look very ordinary.

You can imagine the SWOT analysis conducted by Khaldoon & he’ll have realised they are matched against execs who shouldn’t be fighting in their class. I even question Ratcliffe choosing Berrada who is fighting as a novice against world class execs.
You know what, I was lay here in the night, aching knee doing my brains in, and as usual on bluemoon to pass the time, and it started me thinking.

Why do so many clubs align themselves with the red cartel? Now, obviously before people jump in with the usual responses, take a minute and think. If you class it as taking our side or theirs, any club who sits on the red side is effectively accepting mediocrity for ever. Just be an also ran, be happy to stay in the Prem, no aspiration whatsoever that at some point there may be that crack in the door, an investor who wants to pump some money in and take the club to greater heights etc. What a fucking weird mentality. Surely these clubs top brass can see the wood from the trees, that the red cartel don’t give a fuck about any of them, they just want them to know their place, do your best and be a feeder club for us when we want to plunder your best talents.

Why not align with us? I’ve enjoyed the last 15 or so years so much, been a blue for 53 years, seen everything you could ever wish to see, I’d have no problem whatsoever to see another club rise like a phoenix and have their time in the sun.

Anyway, that’s my musings on this Saturday morning, I’ll get back to feeling sorry for myself and wanting to saw my leg off, lol.
That's exactly what I was thinking. When they voted on the adoption of APTs, a purely cartel created legal mythology, what are those non cartel clubs thinking ?
What do they want for themselves?, what do the cartel promise them ?. They can't be that intellectually lacking to just believe the cartel decree "stop City FFS".
For example, West Ham why would they deny themselves a class of potential sponsorship that could transform them like us ? would it be the worst thing in the world to see the Hammers as champions of England. But as sure as God made little green apples that will never happen with the cartel owning the PL.

Aside: On the subject of 'arms length Fair Market Values' who the feck on planet earth could justify paying Masters a salary of £1.8m per annum. What other organisation in the world would be prepared to pay that imbecile that amount ?
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Spot on. It never made sense in the context of the losses we were posting. ADUG were pumping in serious funds to cover player purchases and infrastructure upgrades. There were no PL rules in place about owner investment (UEFA rules were not even in place at the start of Mancini’s tenure), so the idea we were attempting to somehow conceal the true extent of annual losses of around £150m by paying Mancini an extra £1m ‘under the table’ is bizarre.

It would be like trying to conceal an elephant under an acorn.
I think it’s fair to say the cartel, premier league and the red shirted cunts are all full of shits
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