City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

So Villa, who qualified for the Champions League, may be be forced to sell their best players. To a red top establishment club. Who finished 1 spot above them.

But no, this isn't about protecting the cartel. City are ruining football. The FA just wants the league to be fair and competitive.

I’d be interested to see if 59m is “fair market value” for a top 4, Brazilian international these days, considering Magliar was 80m and Dutch league nobody Anthony was the same.
Ian Byrne, yet another nut job Scouser, and MP, is probably going to take it to PM’s question time. Lol! :-)

Must be election time , trying to secure a few more votes from the few thick Dippers that live in Liverpool doesnt he realise the vast majority of football fans who reside in Scouseland are Evertonians and the Premier league are not on their Xmas card list , what a f*cking dozy tw*t he has all the attributes to be an MP , thick as pig sh*t
I’d be interested to see if 59m is “fair market value” for a top 4, Brazilian international these days, considering Magliar was 80m and Dutch league nobody Anthony was the same.
Right. Villa will be forced to sell at a cut rate fee to meet requirements. And lo and behold look who benefits. Shocker
Something that I have not seen any comment on (although I have not been able to read every post) - is the issue that I am sure was mentioned when the news broke.

Along the lines that CITY had evidence - in the form of quotes from one of the PL clubs - that demonstrates that there is clear discrimination

Did I just dream that ?
Did Leeds, Rangers, Luton, Bury, Portsmouth etc all go bust because their owners spent their own money? Let me think, a really difficult question, actually, no. They went bust because they spent borrowed money they couldn’t pay back. Aka. Debt.

every single financial rule that’s come in hasn’t even mentioned the reason these clubs went bust, debt.
100% true. They are letting the same happen to Everton FC also, They are up shit creek by spending borrowed money and struggling to pay it back.

Leeds done it under Ridsdale period at the club with David O Leary, They've never recovered from that time.

Not to mention, Peter Storey, Harry Redknapp (the icon) and Milan Mandaric fucking over Pompey! Gool old Harry with his offshore account in Monaco getting paid by Milan Mandaric fleecing the club.

You can't make half the shit up, It really does also show how opposition fans are thick as shit, They genuinely reckon Manchester City is the problem here...Wow.
What never fails to amaze me is the willingness of the PL to add layer after layer of beurocracy around FFP.

Personally the one proposal they have put forward that I feel has legs is the anchored spend, this is something that could be adjusted each year to allow the figure to align with the UEFA regulations.

If they want a level playing field then to me it would make so much sense to use this as the starting point, lets say it came in at £650 million a year.

Allow clubs to take on as much sponsorship as they like, from wherever they like, but they are limited to the £650 million spend.
They should introduce a rule where the debt of any club must reduce by at least 10% every year with a requirement to be debt free within 10 years.
Any money generated above the £650 million per year that isn't being used to reduce debt, would have a percentage set aside to be funneled down through the pyramid and to reduce ticket prices.

I would be keener to see a conversation around this than the bollocks that is currently taking place.

So Villa, who qualified for the Champions League, may be be forced to sell their best players. To a red top establishment club. Who finished 1 spot above them.

But no, this isn't about protecting the cartel. City are ruining football. The FA just wants the league to be fair and competitive.

Yep. Apparently fair and competitive means the rags and dippers circling like sharks to buy other teams best players at a knockdown price due to pl 'sustainability' and 'fair play' rules which ensure the debt ridden rags that finished 8th still shop at Harrods.

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