City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

He wasn't banned for it, he got a yellow card. He was banned for stamping on Van Persie IIRC and he did do it in fairness.
OK then a yellow thanks. The ban was very controversial with the ref having a great view of the incident. Yes it was a stamp but shouldn't have resulted in a re-refereed ban. Especially, when Rooney was getting away with elbowing people in sight of refs.

The key issue is why Arsenal and their fans were not sanctioned,
When this broke, or was leaked as usual last week, that was a phrase I was uneasy with.
However after Stefan’s Talksport spot with Danny Murphy, I got my head around it a lot better.
The Tyranny of the Majority….. hmmm! Anti-democratic?
Well that depends doesn’t it. It is a legal phraseology and really without us seeing the context of where it is referred to in the 165 page document, we should not jump to conclusions, although I have my suspicions as to what it may be referencing.
Majority rule is democratic but not necessarily always just.
You can see where that could be going when having your competitors having the power to make rules that hamper you alone.

I work with many Liverpool and United supporters and at least one Arsenal supporter too. I was off work last week and am expecting a barrage of abuse/banter when I go in tomorrow.

The example of Tyranny of the majority that I plan to use, bearing in mind im Irish working in Dublin goes as follows…. Without wishing to offend any sensibilities in the UK…
We have a long history on this island of although being in the majority as Catholics, being in the minority, represented in parliament. Why? Catholics couldn’t stand for parliament before emancipation. Laws kept in place by a governing majority. Were they just? Well let’s just say, it caused a lot of bother over here for a long time.

Spring forward to an even better example in 1960’s Northern Ireland. There was a Protestant majority in the North and they liked to keep it that way. Even in constituencies that they didn’t necessarily have the majority. Gerrymandering of constituency borders was the order of the day to achieve this goal. Had councils got the majority vote to do this? Yes.
Does it make it right?
Well let’s just say this and the civil rights being undermined in general, caused a spot of bother up there.
Not sure if you noticed or not.

Anyway, like I said, Ive no wish to make anyone uncomfortable with a somewhat political contribution, but it does demonstrate the principle of tyranny of the majority, in my book and hopefully will hit a nerve over here when trying to explain what’s going on.

Incidentally all’s good that ends well. How was the North resolved. By inclusiveness and sincere dialogue (the GFA)

Let’s hope what comes out of this PL/Cartel debacle will be every bit as innovative.
Tyranny of the majority is from John Stuart Mill's work. You're right, in it's original conception it's about the point that "democracy" can still be a threat to "liberty" eg through majority groups voting to oppress opposition or minority groups. I'm surprised it's caused quite as big a drama as it has, I legitimately thought it was a well-known critique of lots of different structures. Was certainly used regularly in relation to the referendum and also in relation to emergent populisms around the world in the last decade. It maybe sounds grand to use about football, but whenever I've seen taught I've seen it used in relation to clubs.
There is no vote, of course, because it is in arbitration now. The only votes that matter are the three arbitrators.

But yes, if the February APT vote was held now, and those seven clubs voted against, it wouldn't pass.
But as it has now been passed if it came up at the next meeting to revert to the old rule 14 would be required now to change it.
We did, we have no related sponsorships, but the PL changed the rule to ‘Associated’. So deals we made years ago are changed in status whenever they are renewed. This change is the whole point which you are missing by a country mile.
“But other than that, how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”

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