City launch legal action against the Premier League | City win APT case (pg901)

mores to the point why the fuck is he talking to football insider, this is the same publication who regularly employ the failed waste of space that is keith wyness to chat uninformed crap about us, i mean you cant really get much lower than talkshite but he may have managed it with football insider.
"why the fuck is he talking to football insider,"

He has to earn a living, nothing wrong with that.
I know a high profile ex-rag player who is convinced the the PL are under pressure from other clubs to stop the rags from being successful as they deserve to be. Truly an unbelievable level of entitlement and delusion.

And ex-rags like that **** Evra who clings on to his status as an ex-rag rather than accept that he is a washed-up non-entity of a footballer who nobody other than rags gives a flying fuck about.

Totally deluded and entitled, they are dying internally at the current club /manager situation and cannot accept the many and regular fuck-ups that happen at the gtitw.

btw the above individual also believes that scruffy jim just wants to see the rags in their rightful position, although I have already told him that they already are. Rightful position ffs ,

It isn't that **** Keane btw but he still pretty much says
" but this is Manchester United " and it cannot be allowed to continue !
How is Paddy Crerand these days?
He actively states he doesnt earn a living from this tbf and ur right there is nothing wrong with that, but association with that shower could diminish credibility to be fair.
It keeps his name out there, that's how he gets gigs like Talksport.

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