City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

Just a quick question to those who are disappointed in our club taking this action.
What would you have them do instead? Would you have them meekly accept that our commercial and sporting rivals - an executive of one of which who has apparently made, let’s be charitable here, “discriminatory noises” about our club and executive team/ownership - should also have the right to decide how much sponsorship City are allowed to have? And from whom it should come?

We have tried that for 16 years and been progressively and repeatedly slapped down by the PL. Over and over again.

What more could the club do without finally resorting to the law? How many more insults should they accept? How many more sponsorships should they see go begging on account of the PL’s blatant racism (at worst) or protectionism (at best)?

How many more times should our executive team see their efforts to build this team, this club, this deprived area of Manchester and all its’ inhabitants up to world class standards be stymied because they are too brown/too Muslim/too good at it whilst our rivals see much bigger deals being waived through on a nod, a wink, a straight arm salute?

Win or lose this action I for one am more than proud of my clubs actions today. I’m humbled by it.

We didn’t start this fight. We tried to stop it ever becoming a fight. We tried to be decent and professional about it. We failed because we were never going to be allowed to succeed.

Thst is what the law is for. And I am glad, proud, and relieved that this club, my club, our club, have finally said “Enough. This far and not one step further”

If that makes no marks and twats on social media give you a hard time, stand up and fight for your club.
They’re fighting for you.
Hear hear! One of the best posts I’ve ever read on here.
Some on here need to calm down, take a few deep breaths and think about what they are posting. We are not about to destroy the PL and from what I can gather we are not even taking legal action because our hearing is before an independent commission (appointed according to PL rules) which will decide if the rules concerning "associated parties" are consistent with competition law and/or are discriminatory. If the regulations are ruled unlawful the situation will revert to what it was before 2021, unless we widen the hearing to a consideration of whether ATPs are simply another means of restricting the right of owners from the Gulf to attract revenue for their clubs and thus limit investment. Only in such a case might this hearing have an impact on the "115 " hearing. I think City have a strong case but the aim is no wider than to see the end of the latest piece of nonsense. I don't think it will affect our "other" hearing for which we have another strong (unarguable, or even "irrefutable") case - that we simply have not broken any of their rules, however stupid they may be.
The more I think about it and what @The Stockport Iniesta said the more I think it's the rags supporting us in this case. If we were to win this case and prove that the Associated Party Transaction rules are complete wank, the multi-club ownership model would flourish and we'd be able to move players between the CFG for whatever fees we want.

Sir Jim has already stolen a number of our executives and has shown a desire to get into the multi-club ownership business. Would definitely make sense that him and the rags side with us to get rid of APT rules.

If we are supported by United, it would explain why the biggest City related story on the BBC website Is KDB to Saudi, there is no mention of the biggest sports story of the day.
One can only speculate that Stone & Roan are chasing their tails with how to present the story…

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