City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

They will or will not change the rules when a decision has been made.
Clearly a decision has not been made.
Maybe it has been reached and the rules per se, don’t need changing but the way they are applied will be drastically changed to avoid the racist element of associated parties from certain countries/states?
I said before the case started that we would only know through a change of rules and sackings, also that the PL may not let the members know. that is not quite right, first off we have to understand the seriousness of the charges, City in other words accused the PL of running an illegal cartel in it`s mist, City in other words accused the PL of illegal abuse racism/ anti-Muslim, and City accused the PL of illegal rules.
Two things here, the PL can not afford this to go higher, they have to settle here, they also can not afford to be seen as having lost due to the nature of the accusations.
The first two accusations are very hard to prove, but the third is a done deal, so it is important to note that voting in illegal rules is not illegal, acting on them is. The PL made itself liable when it changed the rules, but removing the data base makes these rules inoperative, this maybe the only information released, as Looney Tunes say.
` That`s All Folks`

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