City launch legal action against the Premier League

The prem have tied themselves in knots trying to appease the entitled hordes and it’s all beginning to unravel nicely. Clubs were always going to find loopholes in poorly conceived regulations.

I need to come up with a more apt word than entitled as it contains a word they probably don’t understand any more.
All the gaps and workarounds in the rules just shows how absolutely shite the legal mob are that the Prem employ.

Think Pannick v Lionel Hutz.
We do not expect a verdict, all we expect is the rule to be set back and reevaluated, that is when we know if we have won. It was a multi pronged attack by City, and some of the claims were extremely damaging, to the point the PL integrity could not function, it can not admit guilt nor can it ignore the claims, a compromise will happen, we will just not hear anything, but we may see a good few sackings/retirements.
Thank you for your informative reply
Whenever you set rules you are effective creating a dam. Water will then be forced to find an alternative route. In the same way, clubs are forced to find an alternative route and not always one that was envisaged.

This is the law of unintended consequences.

When those unintended consequences occur, trying to claim they are in bad faith then causes yet more legislation to protect against bad faith which will have yet more unintended consequences.

It's a slippery game trying to steer sport which, by its very nature, seeks to complete and utilise every possible advantage it can within the rules.

The PL can hardly be surprised that necessity is the mother of invention and if it creates barriers, clubs will innovate novel ways to overcome them.
We do not expect a verdict, all we expect is the rule to be set back and reevaluated, that is when we know if we have won. It was a multi pronged attack by City, and some of the claims were extremely damaging, to the point the PL integrity could not function, it can not admit guilt nor can it ignore the claims, a compromise will happen, we will just not hear anything, but we may see a good few sackings/retirements.

My guess is it will be leaked when the verdict is announced or, at the least, when it is discussed in the next meeting, as it will inevitably have to be. The reason there are no leaks now imo is that it was hugely embarrassing for the PL to have the information of the tribunal leaked, especially after the arbitrators had given permission to the PL to distribute details of the claim to the clubs confidentially.

I am guessing it has been made pretty clear to them that any more leaks would be damaging to their defence, bearing in mind part of the club's claim is discrimination and tyranny blah blah.

Is it possible both parties are made to agree on a statement after the verdict in view of the damaging nature of the initial leak, not just damage to the club and the PL, but to the arbitration process itself? I imagine the tribunal could insist on that?
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Yes he has but at the behest of the red cartel. Masters is just their puppet and will be their fall guy. As the red cartel walk away unblemished.
I’ve always believed this as it’s often said. Recently I’ve modified my opinion and I think he is half the problem, even without the red clubs controlling him. In fact it’s clear now that United don’t rate him either.

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