City launch legal action against the Premier League

So Lawtons wife works at Arsenal and accidentaly left details of the court case on the breakfast table?
Whay wenare contesting was reported first in feb with no onenreally arsed bar a few 115 comments.
Liverpools sponsor found to be terroritst funding dodgy cunts

Tory press office tactic this or sensationaism to bury bad news imho
Owen Slot's wife, not Lawton's, she's chief commercial officer at Arsenal.
An example of breaching fair market value was receiving 200k for a house on a street where all other houses sold for 90 to 110k which at face value seems logical.

However if you're very confident in your abilities and see such potential for the house that 200k isn't an issue and you are prepared to gamble on setting a new standard for the street where other houses might then invest to improve too etc... then who is to say that is a bad or unfair value?

It's a very insular way of looking at things and only measuring value at the present time rather than potential value further down the line.

Great businesses tend to be better at spotting potential than most of their competition. Most of city's deals maybhave raised eyebrows initially but few can argue that they would be deemed good value now.

The related parties issue is also potentially discriminatory for regions where families are larger and often operate closely. Of course one man might sponsor a sibling's club. But there is also an element of prejudice regarding other cultures which means a Chinese company will be deemed 'government run' either officially or unofficially. The same with the middle east. It's all 'dirty oil money' and state backed.
I have challenged the BBC's latest biased piece about City because it does not note that the 115 breaches are allegations.

The original text is...

The move comes a matter of months before a Premier League disciplinary commission will hear over 100 charges against City for breaching its financial regulations, some of which date back to 2009.

I have suggested they change it to...

The move comes a matter of months before a Premier League disciplinary commission will hear over 100 charges against City for allegedly breaching its financial regulations, some of which date back to 2009.

Some may see this as trivial, but as a licence payer I want to see that the BBC still retains some integrity and correct them when they show bias against City....
I've had a small victory. The BBC have amended the article by Simon Stone as per my request. Just trying to keep the BBC fair and unbiased.
An example of breaching fair market value was receiving 200k for a house on a street where all other houses sold for 90 to 110k which at face value seems logical.

However if you're very confident in your abilities and see such potential for the house that 200k isn't an issue and you are prepared to gamble on setting a new standard for the street where other houses might then invest to improve too etc... then who is to say that is a bad or unfair value?

It's a very insular way of looking at things and only measuring value at the present time rather than potential value further down the line.

Great businesses tend to be better at spotting potential than most of their competition. Most of city's deals maybhave raised eyebrows initially but few can argue that they would be deemed good value now.

The related parties issue is also potentially discriminatory for regions where families are larger and often operate closely. Of course one man might sponsor a sibling's club. But there is also an element of prejudice regarding other cultures which means a Chinese company will be deemed 'government run' either officially or unofficially. The same with the middle east. It's all 'dirty oil money' and state backed.
And who will get to decide on these vague, arbitrary parameters? ...yes you've guessed it...
So far today:

City have destroyed the premier league.

City have destroyed the lower leagues from getting a financial deal.

City have destroyed Arsenal again.

City made standard charter sponsor terrorists.

City made a only fans pornstar throw milk at Nigel.

City got Gail platt sacked from coronation street.

City have…

On a serious note, the level of vitriol from the media is horrendous. No amount of in-house PR team could cope with the level of lies and accusations thrown at us. No way of stopping this new online phenomenon. Some day a thesis will be written on this topic.
The press are feeding the morons with their daily dose of barmy stories and in return the press get clicks and engagement and ultimately lots of money for their gutter journalism. It all reminds me of a story I saw on the front cover of the Daily Sport years ago where it was reported that someone had seen a cow pat that looked like Elvis. Now that's a proper story.
Yes but if they speak out then fuck em as they should be all over this mate .
Can see both sides of that argument.

We have launched the case against the PL and have become 100% hated and if we lose the case our reputation is destroyed, Villa, Newcastle etc will sit on the fence with a big bag of popcorn, if we win their chances of becoming serious clubs are increased considerably.

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