City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

skybluekings said:
As a foreigner watching the City games live on TV, it is nice to see such a diverse team - now even with a black captain. However, the COMS doesn't seem to have many black fans at the games.

Is race an issue with city fans? In other words, are people of color welcomed at the games or is it expected to run into racists there?

What could possibly make you think there is a race issue amongst fans at City? When Thaksin was here we had loads of Thai fans who used to come and they were always made to feel welcome. If you ask any black or asian fans Im sure they would tell you the same. Just because you havent seen any in the crowd, on the TV might I add, you come to the conclusion there is a race issue? Im actually shocked you could even posgt what you did to be honest....
as a football club compared to many other teams and fans i would say we have quite a large black following. the club does a lot of work in the community and our old ground was based in a largely black area. your more likely to find a black city fan than say a black bolton fan or portsmouth fan. besides the point all supporters in eastlands are blue. thats all that matters.
Historically it was a problem generally that black fans felt unwelcome at most English grounds in the 70s and 80s because of underlying racism though possibly less so at Maine Rd than some others I could mention.

Thankfully things have improved since then but now I would guess the problem is expense as much as anything as a higher proportion of the black population is in the lower income group and so less able to afford high ticket prices.
mcfcmatt said:
supercity36 said:
i dont see what he did wrong. he has obviously made an observartion (which has truth in it) and would like someone to give a possible explaination....

Are you for real?

i am... although i dont agree with a race problem insinuation there is truth in the fact not many black people come to games.
We have loads of black fans, most black fellas in Manchester support City rather than United. And also in my experience, most of the Asians support United. But like I say that is only in my experience. Answering your question, no, race doesn't come into it and I don't see the need to bring this matter up as it is completely irrelevant and may even cause offence to some of the posters on here. City do have a lot of black fans, you really should have thought before putting this up on here for many reasons, silly post imo.
god theres some utter tools on this site ... what is wrong with the op, he's just asking a few questions and yet bluemoans morons slate him.

In answer to the question City's fan base contains quite a few fans of different ethinic origin compared to most clubs. you rarely see too many blacks or asians at football stadiums.
mcfcmatt said:
supercity36 said:
i dont see what he did wrong. he has obviously made an observartion (which has truth in it) and would like someone to give a possible explaination....

Are you for real?
You come across as a real twat, mcfcmatt...the OP has raised a genuine enquiry. Perhaps if someone asked how many Bluemooners on here are men/women of colour, we could reassure him? My impression is that there are fewer than when we played at Maine Road.
well its hardly surprising when an element of wankers in the stadium are singing how adebayor is hung like an elephant. sickening.

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